Thank Owen (cpd) for this information:
Click the map for a Google Maps link to Japlink! Street view (please note - looks different because it's a new shop since the street view):,+Rydalmere,+New+South+Wales,+Australia&hl=en&ll=-33.811789,151.031284&spn=0.005563,0.011362&sll=-33.811918,151.031984&sspn=0.001391,0.003862&oq=21+bridge&hnear=21+Bridge+St,+Rydalmere+New+South+Wales+2116,+Australia&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=-33.81191,151.031298&panoid=3eSmgAFZ6u7L9oB5ASlKxg&cbp=12,70.88,,0,10.88 PLEASE NOTE: There's quite limited parking around - if it's possible to carpool with someone, please do so! Also, please don't park in the carpark that's behind Japlink - it belongs to a 24/7 club next door.