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Everything posted by GoldZilla

  1. Where is Carlo these days? And Merli, and... Not many of us ol'skoolers left. SDU4Neva, mmmmmkay?
  2. Spotted a white s2 R33 parked upstairs at Blacktown Westpoint approx 11.00pm tonight
  3. I looked at these and wondered: "WTF is he calling us all Steve for? Is this some sort of sarcasm?" Then I realised you meant: Thanks for the tip, Steve
  4. Spotted a maroon R33 parked in Northmead, a white R33 in Castle Hill on Showground Rd, and a black R34 with two thick white stripes down the centre on Station Rd in Seven Hills.
  5. I thought your new name was gonna be "De-Ruxe!"
  6. Very rarely, I think he told me that he used to play the odd house set at some joint in Manly. Haven't seen him in YEARS. Then again, I haven't bought records in ages either...
  7. Yeah, even though we had two white ones, one was an s1 and the other was an s2, so it worked out well! If Brendan (beastien) and Andrew (Terminal) had come along, we would have had 3 silver ones (two s1's and one s2), and THREE ANDREWs! Oh yeah, and it would have been the same amount of s1's and s2's, as well.
  8. Hahahaha, that's tops Ian. *Sings* "Come Mr Tally-man, tally mi bananas Daylight come and me wanna go home..."
  9. I tried calling you before we left the Richmond meeting point, Brendan, but your phone was off.
  10. Nope, still not working Ian - put the photos on www.photobucket.com or something, and then link to them from there...
  11. Guys, I forgot yesterday to show you the SAU shirt I had in the car, but here's a pic. Link doesn't work, Ian.
  12. "Cd" is correct, it stands for Co-efficient of Drag. I'm guessing the Stagea would have a CD of 0.38 or something ridiculous like that.
  13. Hey all, One thing I forgot to mention yesterday at our cruise was that SAU-NSW has a Christmas Cruise (link) on next weekend (December the 10th). If you are keen to join the Club, then you can do it on the day if you wish. The only real requirement is that you either be a member, become one on the day, or have a Club Member in the car with you as either a Driver or Navigator. ***jebud, I forgot to give you a form, but you can download a copy from the link in my sig. Sorry mate!*** It would be great to have more Stagea owners becoming club members, as it would have more influence on decisions made for future events, etc. Anyway, check the link for more info.
  14. Damn governments in general!
  15. My car has a surge @ 5,500rpm too, and it's unmodified other than the cat-back exhaust.
  16. This might actually be a good question for Dr Karl!
  17. Yes it can be harmful. Basically, the Stagea version of ATESSA is similar to the R33 and R34 Skylines and GT-Rs, so there isn't just a fuse you can pull, like in the R32 version. There has already been plenty written about this, here's one pointer in the right direction: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=102172
  18. That's what I thought too, because the yellow would be less likely to accentuate the fog. White lights only add to the reduction of forward vision in fog, especially if they're not pointed correctly. AFAIK, foggies should be pointed at least slightly downwards, so they shine "under" the layer of fog and give you a good vision of what's in front of you.
  19. That's pretty good economy, Luke. Not sure how much I used yesterday - I think it's just under three-quarter's full now, so I'll check the trip metre and take a "wild guess" at the economy so far. Was a pretty spirited run, so I'm not getting my hopes up, that's for sure! Heaps of exhaust popping on over-run down hills in 4th gear. I ran two tanks of Shell V-Max (which is what they're calling the old Optimax now), and it didn't feel quite right. Yesterday I filled with BP Ultimate again just before we went on our cruised, and I noticed the difference in the smoothness and power straight away.
  20. Mike's link should be http://www.frappr.com/?a=myphotos&id=1675185
  21. Thanks for a good day, everyone - especially Mike for organising! My only shot (seeing as it's from a camera phone, I didn't bother taking more - plus it's almost exactly the same as Andy's).
  22. How funny, we had our cruise on the same day as you guys, and had the same number of cars turn up!
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