sorry about the late reply. Had my eye on te euro prices in japan in general, however we're restricted to the sevs list which pretty much rules out most cars. That left us with the option of perhaps a ferrari modena however, there is no such thing as a right hand drive ferrari in japan it appears :S. Another consideration was an h2 hummer or an escalade however the import duties and conversion issues are quite substantial. Its on the backburner at the moment, may try a japanese car or so before we get serious.
For your situation however it really comes down to preferance, a rare suby or mitsu make make u some money but the fact that u can own someting luxurious that most people cant is also tempting. An m3 would be a good car to bring in, probably not an e500 due to the rocketing fuel pricing which is affecting depreciation, an e320 however is a well sought after car 03 04 models are still going for AUD 75-85K.
My advice, get what u want, u probably wont lose any money on it either way. And if u do then at least u owned someting nice for a little while.
black e500 on 19in brabus rims, mmmmmm japan here i come.