Is there correct answer to that? Who is the best? what goes up to make the best? Each car has its own good points. Speed doesn't necessarly means its a good car - although it helps in the decision. As for the fastest right now I would have to say, willos would be, but we're yet to find out as he's yet to race rick, but i'm guessing he would win. There are two very bombed skylines being built atm though. One's from Emu Park, not sure of the exact details of it, all I know is its still in adelaide being worked on and its meant to be bombed. The other is Garth's black r33 gts-t .... It's going to be a lag miester but when it hits boost its going to hual ass. then you've got Jeremy's old R33 which has down mid to high 11s in the past, by the sounds of it still has a future. Will see what comes in time though, no doubt with the popularity of them more will come.