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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. What you want for the intercooler?
  2. Yes i love driving my r32 around uninsured
  3. Definetly get a new fuel pump. Stock injectors are good for about 200-220rwkw depending on condition.
  4. How long can you get these at this price, i'd be interested but not for a while. Low on $$ at moment.
  5. Fueltronics will remap chips, thats all they do.
  6. Um no, the persons insurance company paid for the damage i caused. It dont affect the person i hit at all.
  7. All it does is shut your computer down...oh no the horror!!! takes all of ten minutes to get rid of it. But yes i would be apain in the ass on big network.
  8. When i was seventeen i had an old beat LH torana and i was driving back from trade school and was fiddeling with the stereo instead of looking where i was going and i rear ended a....you guessed it a skyline. I smashed it good, i did about 7 grand worth of damage and i had no insurance Of course the insurance company came after me for the money, i told em i had none, which i didnt and agreed to pay the $50 a month hehe. After about 6 months i moved house and never heard from them again. That was about 8 years or so ago.
  9. You didnt notice the huge thread on Famous Classic car insurance? I have my R32 insured with them, they had the best price and they dont care what mods you have as long as you tell them.
  10. Use DivX to compress it, you get good quality for the file size.
  11. I'm interested also and i'm in adelaide, i could come take a look on the week end.
  12. Fueltronics, my mate is the senior chip programmer. He know his shit. He used to work at tilbrooks back in the day.
  13. and it still does Matt
  14. Its a pitty the ps2 version looks horrid compared the xbox version, its pretty good for the ps2 i guess.
  15. Ronin


    Solder up a v3 in 15 mins hey, id like to see that.
  16. Ronin


    Goto http://www.au-hackershardware.com they have good prices and will send the chips COD so you wont get ripped. Of cource you still have to find someone to put it in, if you have an early model ps2 its a bastard of a job. It took my friend who is a l33t solderer 3 hours to chip mine with a messiah, he said it was the hardest thing hes ever done. It workes perfect though
  17. My R32 Stock boost 135rwkw At 1 Bar 166rwkw
  18. Doesnt the R32 need the AP Engineering version? Is it the same price as the others?
  19. Ive been driving around in this car for ages....in GT Concept
  20. Those prices are just bids, not the price he wants for the parts.
  21. Could always use nos until the turbos kick in.
  22. That does look nice, good price too. Shame you would have to wait six months before you got it.
  23. PSSSSH on a vl turbo MONARIO on a really nice looking hq monaro 3M TA3 - think about it
  24. I have 7cds full of mame roms, there used to be a group of guys that would burn em all for you for free if you sent them blank cd's. To bad they aint arount anymore.
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