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Everything posted by NA_Goodness

  1. Luke, I worked for Mazda for 3 years, and thats the first car I've seen that looks good in that colour! Well done
  2. I've parked in that car park a fair few times! Best Bubble Tea in Perth!!
  3. It was... But it was worth the effort!
  4. Wow, I havent been in here for ages Here's a few from a shoot on my friends bike. Something a bit different.
  5. They put it on an LED display so it looks like you only have to give way when it's lit... And lol at the content!
  6. Quick one from me
  7. QUITE clearly a Series 1 R33 GTSt, NOT a GT-R. Not cool bro
  8. Jay, that HDR looks awesome mate!! You're definately onto something there. Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with. Well I've decided I need some new SD cards, I would have some awesome 4WD shots for you all right now if I hadn't left my card in the computer
  9. Cheers Jay! I'm slowly getting there... Nismø, love those night shots! I need to try this next time I havethe camera out in the 4be. Matt, the "arse" shot is my favourite. Good work.
  10. Try on eBay? Might get something decent for cheap hardly used.
  11. iPhone Ok, maybe not...
  12. Love this one mate! Well done!
  13. Went out to with my mates VP SS for a shoot last night. Found an old abandoned petrol station full of grafiti and random stuff, so we had fun checking it out. Although we got the attention of the lady who lives behind it, then the cops turned up... But no dramas, thankfully. There are more in my FB. Grabbed this one from inside the workshop, love how it turned out! Not bad considering it was completely pitch black But of course we didnt go inside officer...
  14. And I thought my 10,000+ was bad! Glad there is still life in the old girl yet
  15. Wow! Thanks an upgrade from the 33, Steve! Good work.
  16. Just off the top my head, I used a 50 second exposure and f7.0. Can't remember the focal lenth, but I'll get the Exif data and post it up when I get home. Used a 17-85mm lens too. Matt's probably the best person to talk to when it comes to light painting though! And like Sidd said, you need something to hold the shutter down for long periods of time. I've got a external shutter button for these things, cos me $45 from memory.
  17. Quick shoot of my mates 32. Used a portable camping fluro light to light it up, far better then iPhone 4 light I was using before! Need to make something up that'll cover the excess light, might do that next week if I remember/cbf.
  18. Mine is the dodgy white GQ wagon.
  19. FINALLY remembered to take the camera out today. Had plenty of fun, but I never get action photos of my own car This always makes me sad MUUUUUUD!! The things I do... To get these shots... I was the first to go through that, looks MUCH bigger when I was going through it! Scarier too, with mud pouring in through a large rust hole I have in the floor. Not to mension my fear of the motor swallowing water due to my lack of a snorkel But mostly it was because I drowned it yesterday and had to rip all the interior out, so only had a drivers seat in it. I'm going to stay away from mud and water for a while now...
  20. You dont at all look like a serial killer there at all, Jay...
  21. Wow! That's shiney!!
  22. Definately turn off auto AF. Like Kory, I only use a single point, its far better in my opinion. I shoot 90% cars as well. Also agreeing with "itsme", a UV filter is great insurance. All my lenses have them, and you never need to take them off. I've had to replace one because it got burnt from grinder sparks (I wasnt taking the photo, my mate was). Instead of destroying a $400 lens, it cost me $40 for a new filter! I know what I'd rather With the photoshopped thing, here is a before and after shot I took the other day. Before: After: Nuff said!
  23. Cheers mate, she's all good.
  24. Yeah its my car, and no injuries. Well, except for my pride Happened at 10km/h, so wasnt too scary. Just realised it was tipping and went "crap..." and she was over. Took about 30 minutes to roll back over, took the plugs out, cranked it to get rid of the oil, put it all back together and she's been good ever since. Stayed out another 4 hours too, wasnt going to let it get me down Time for a ute body I think, this one is well and truely rooted now. Love my 4be! Couldnt imagine living without it now! But cant wait until I can afford to get back into jap cars.
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