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Everything posted by NA_Goodness

  1. MaikuL, perhaps if you put something bright red just offset from the centre as a focus point? It'd look great with those minimal colours I reckon
  2. I still stand by what k said tonight.... Bitch Told ya not to sell your old R
  3. Put it in the "Computer Art" section mate, it doesn't belong here. Also just do a search thru the R33 picture thread. You'll find heaps of photos of 33s with those wheels.
  4. Thanks for the advice. Same as normal photography I suppose, but will definately keep that in mind. Where do you get all your info from? And what program do you edit videos with? I wouldnt know where to start
  5. How many cameras were running Pez? A GoPro is on my wish list, so maybe one day I'll be able to contribute a bit more in here.
  6. Love that first shot occxlr8ed! Really excited to get some remote triggers tonight now.
  7. Huh?
  8. First one has potential. DR30 would look better as a 4-door.
  9. Lucky bastard...
  10. Looks like a decent place for a shoot! And I'd love to drive that Evo thru those corners!! Such awesome cars. Nice find Sidd! That's crazy, $1mil... And people say there's no money in photography!!
  11. Go the flushmount
  12. The title is 'Skyline Ti Burnout Car" and you mensioned a $40k engine. Dont you know guys cant listen?
  13. I reckon it'd be the plug behind the switch if I was to hazard a guess...
  14. $40k on an ADM R31? Yeah, no. $40k on a JDM R31? As long as its for more then just skids, why the hell not?
  15. I bought my R31 wagon for $500 with a cut and blocked rear brake line! Judging by the rubber in the guards, it didnt do too badly for something with a f**ked exhaust and god knows how many kms...
  16. I just put them in the low beams of mine, high beam is useless now cos the amount of light is reduced when I turn them on! However as people said, they aren't designed for them and I get flashed a lot. Car isn't driven that often, so it doesn't bother me too much.
  17. I need to get down to Collie to watch one of these. If I'm at Barbs this weekend, I'll keep an eye out for you! Love that S13 shot btw!
  18. How do you get those angles, anyway Serg? From my experience at Barbz (Mainly sitting at McCracken House with a Corona in my hand ) I didnt think you could get those angles without being on the other side of the track? Btw, work gave me a ticket to the next track day. Not sure if its this Saturday or next month though. You going along?
  19. Wow... I've seen and worked on car fires before, but I've NEVER seen anything like that! No idea how that happened! You're lucky it burnt out instead of burning the whole car down! Any decent mechanic/panel beater will be able to fix that for you.
  20. Matt, were you light painting the walls as well? Or are they lit from the flash? I'm doing a graf shoot soon (as soon as this guy can choose a time) so trying to get some ideas beforehand
  21. Wow, those two look really happy! Well done capturing the smiles, Sidd. And thanks for the write up! It's always interesting hearing this info from you Now I'm dying to get my camera out
  22. Cheers Kory. I found one here: http://www.praimaging.com.au/d158-56-canon-ef-70200mm-f4l-usm.html As you said, the IS ones are too expensive But I'll be using it during the day mainly, so not a huge issue. Hopefully cos we can pick it up from them in person, we wont have any issues with it. Bday is on Wednesday, so pretty excited!! Lol
  23. Start off by bending down, you'll be amazed by how much better the shot looks when you're down near headlight level. I always have sore legs/thighs/knees after a photoshoot because I'm bending constantly for about 3 hours. Worth it though BULLSHIT!!!! Thats what you said about the Corolla, the M3, the Porsche and the Supra. It'll be on the market the moment it has plates on it, and you know it
  24. Its a shame about the reflections in those two shots, Matt. Maybe a large white sheet hanging over it so it reflects white? I've seen that done before, was quite effective. Overall though, they're fantastic shots!
  25. Along the same lines, has anyone seen this?
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