pulled this from the other forums...
Was sent the below by a friend who works at the Rocks
Dear All
The Rocks Police will be conducting a traffic operation in the Hickson Road
carpark, aimed at hotted up cars and associated offences in Hickson Road
and surrounds.
The operation will be conducted Friday 15 th and Saturday 16th August .
The times are from 7pm to approximately 2am.
The carpark will be used as a means of providing a secure area for officers
to carry out vehicle and passenger inspections, in conjunction with other
agencies such as RTA and EPA.
The officers will need to have access to car spaces 1 - 18 from 7pm.
Spaces 19 - 24 will not be effected. There will be no problem exiting the
carpark during the operation.
Please contact me if car space 1 - 18 is yours, and you are unable to leave
before 7pm.