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infected flow

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Everything posted by infected flow

  1. omg where do u get your prices from ..geez! ok head gasket $300 tomei! cams $1000 with cam gear comes together - tomei! and the plenum u dont need a hyper tune one get a greddy one $1200.. also you will need injectors if your changing the plenum u will definately need an oil cooler and radiator upgrade! ok fuel up to you but if u want more power in the long run i suggest twin feed rail ( u dont want cylinder 6 leaning out! ) but if your going to stick too 300rwkw then just get cams with your current steup and u should be a happy chap! cheers!
  2. Everytime i hear or read about the greddy plenum and people saying that its not needed above 300rwkw i have to think to myself has anyone tried or has that person tried or are they just reading something that someone else has written and that person has no idea...... now i have tried on my r34 and ill tell u the difference's... anyone who know's me should know that i dont write up here for fun and i actually go to the effort of finding out...as a lot of r & d has been done on the car at bel performance in syd. i can only tell you for the r34 so dont ask about the r33 this being the neo engine is different than the r33 engine..and im also not here to tell you the differences so dont ask do a search.... things that were noticed.. ok i went with a hypetune throttle body and greddy plenum also the tubo in question is a hks 2835 pro s 1. more responsive - 2. holds boost to redline does not drop off or drop down at all ,before it would drop off on top end as i was pushing the turbo to its limit . 3. made much more midrange and top end without much boost so therefor before i had a plenum i was pushing more boost and putting more strain on the turbo it was struggling. so in conclusion i made more power in midrange to top end but i wasnt pushing the turbo to its limit also the boost held better and didnt drop off.. so there's my 2cents of info i hope this helps and people put forward there ideas or questions instead of saying stupid shit to me... but hey this is a forum so i expected it i suppose.. cheers also the car made 300rwkw at 1.2bar and it was responsive as flys attracted to shit...hahahaha j/k
  3. well there u go they are pretty much the two... i wouldnt choose the 2835pro s run's out of puff but the gt35r will do it easily and youll get more than 300... tried and tested... cheers
  4. well what can i say except this.... http://www.nengun.com/apexi/ax53b70-turbo-kit *have a look at the price* http://www.greenline.jp/catalogue/bblist.php?brand=APEXERA --- 182,952yen = $1960.52aus http://www.boostcruising.com/forums/index....howtopic=113321 and thats on 1bar--- 14.7 psi ---- 242.5rwkw ive actually seen more power but hey no one will believe me without proof.. so this is what i got for now... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...=55845&st=0 most people are getting 250rwkw to 280rwkw with the gcg hi-flow and thats using more than 1bar of boost and cams of course..... gcg hi-flow 450hp $2200 (and that trade in isnt it...?) *not sure about that* rebuilt hi-flow thingo* apexi 420hp $2000 (bolt -on ) hey bang for buck u decide sounds like similar price but guaranteed that the apexi will spank some butt! cheers! and this is all i wrote ****so im assuming u two know the differences...? or are u just sayin that ... or u dont know ....?***** and i didnt say i was proving anything so i dont know what horse shit your talking about as usual maybe u should read the post again..... your ahead of yourself as usual R31Nismoid.... why do i bother with you ...how did you ever become moderator...u must have sore knees by now.. if u say something then back it up thats all but hey u know all as usual....and everyone is a mind reader in your world...lol and that took less than 2mins.... hahaahaha cheers its a hot day today damn!
  5. so in other words u have no idea!... prove your point then!
  6. so im assuming u two know the differences...? or are u just sayin that ... or u dont know ....?
  7. i agree you....yay some progress radiator first!
  8. well thats actually wrong because it doesnt open up untill it get's to that temp so when it get to 65 or 70 depends which thermostat u get then it will open up fully ...eg: your stuck at lights your temp goes up and then your thermo opens up to cool the engine..warm up is not an issue as the car just sits there and warms up pretty fast .. but i suggest u do your radiator first and then go from there.. cheers
  9. well give the negatives and im sure ill answer any questions that i can... cheers
  10. i answered your question the first time.... get a 65 c thermostat and twin core ya radiator...thats it ...geez and your temp will never get to 85 c cheers
  11. ok do u have an aftermarket computer...? has it been tunned...? if it does have an ecu i would put it down to tune or over fueling... need more info from you. cheers
  12. i honestly think your wasting your time with twin thermo fan setup ... my first suggestion would be to get your original radiator modified to twin core for $350 or less and then if that aint enough i would get a low temp thermostat and you shouldnt have any troubles even on track days.... cheers
  13. actually malpassi pumps are very unstable i cant believe you use them when u could get a sard or bosch for the same price... my 2c cheers!
  14. have u tried looking for tomei pumps as well ....?
  15. how about tryin bel performance in regents park...
  16. dont bother getting one they are more restrictive than your standard airbox...tried and tested on a r34gtt.. sorry but i dont have the dyno sheets ...--- i know that wont help but yeah cheers
  17. there are are couple more that are faster....hehehe 2 that i know
  18. god i luv this forum ... keyboard warrior ..hahaha i luv it if that the best u can do im disappointed.. cheers u made me smile today ..YAY!
  19. lol yes did u read what i wrote butthead! i wrote that only an ecu edit and 300rwkw = bullshit and what u just wrote proved it .... maybe u should learn to read before making bold statements...lol and i know of 2 cars that came out of autotech still with warranty as they both had 300rwkw's and the gearboxes shat themselves....and guess what .... ford replaced them for free... and now your telling me to read the ford forum..pppfftt i dont need to read the ford forum as i was there and watched it all happen.... as i said maybe u shouldnt follow the forum like a bible and do some research ...ask around
  20. ok now ive heard it all stop talking shit and pick the phone up and speak to spiro at autotech in granville...and u think an ecu edit and 300rwkw's and thats it....... rite buddy also u can still have manufacture's warranty and still have 300rwkw at the back..... cheers!
  21. well back in the day i got 210rwkw at mainline dyno -bel performance thats with 10-11 psi boost and full exhaust from turbo back, front mount and pod... cheers
  22. i removed the tcs system and the slip and tcs light are always on thats it no problems anywhere else..u could always take the speedo out and remove the lights behind the slip and tcs so it doesnt bother you but up too you i suppose .trying to explain without going into way too much detail..umm haha geez you make it hard but from memory it has 2 butterflies where the tcs system is and when it detects slip the butterfly will close and cut revs..right now what some people have done it actually put a straight pipe through it so no closure this is still retaining standard everything and it works.... you could give that a go .. but there's no point if your going to get in the car and keep turning it off or if u have an aftermarket plenum...
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