Hey there have a r32 with rb25det in it. it has all the 20det manifolds and wiring. car ran fine after conversion bar turbo problem i stil have.
Car would smoke big time and cough and splutter trying to rev it up, 4gand max revs. oil in intercooler lines narowed it down to turbo.
So i got another turbo of a mate which gives same ish problems. test yesterday. wil idle fine, when you stab the throttle the engine dies and when slowly accelerating up to 2-3grand it will cough and splutter and smoke and not go any further cant 100% confrim what kinda smoke as it was at night.
Now so i go to run car non turbo to make sure it rans fine when turbo is not plumbd into intake and it wont start at all. put everything back to how it was and no luck. got good spark. fuel pressure at fuel line. im not geting fuel into combustion chamber. unsure on injector pulse but it started fine the day before.
i was thinking smoke and reving issue might be related to injector issure not fueling right? im not geting fuel into combustion chamber.
fuel pump primes fine. afm pluged in.
Just seems weird as it started the nght before but with symptons above.
any help would be great