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Piggaz last won the day on November 30 2023

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About Piggaz

  • Birthday 08/10/1984

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    RB28 97' V Spec Series 3
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  1. I used this https://osgiken.com.au/product/os-giken-os-250r-lsd-gear-oil-80w250-1-litre/ shut my nismo 1.5 pro up by heaps…. Not silent though. Gives the car character and personality. It ain’t a carolla. If you want silent, put a quaife in it.
  2. People WANT to use Power FC’s in 2024? 😵‍💫 That has to be like sim racing with a gameboy.
  3. https://www.reaperengineering.com/collections/mufflers/products/copy-of-reaper-engineering-twin-twin-big-bertha-mufflers?variant=39680017334335
  4. You can most definitely drive a sequential in the street. Here is a video of just sub 2500 rpm, taking off from a set of lights, casually using the clutch in a 60 kph zone. You do not need to hang off the gear stick like a gorilla, tearing around like a lunatic 100% of the time. Put a bit of preload on the stick and all is well. 🤷‍♂️ You have to go down through the gears. Big deal, bikes are like that. It’s just a little bit ‘different’. The box in video is a PPG 6 speed. This video was taken not long after I got it in. Definitely got more a feel and was able to cut out most of the engagement of the dogs. 94535063-cdf8-47e4-8433-705a86178369.mp4
  5. In physical wheel size or airflow? Airflow for the 8085 is wayyy more than the dinosaur T51 turd could dream of.
  6. Ahh the old drive line bills. Shit gets very expensive very quickly 🤣 The thing about looking at the ratios and basing them around 2 corners on a track, it may potentially suck everywhere else, especially on the street. Those long ratios are painful. If you’re going to do it, considering a 5 speed is crazy. They’re junk. A 6 speed “wakes the whole car up”. All of a sudden you have an option of two gears for a corner.
  7. Good chance you’ll bust it (many gtr’s that have used this set have, including myself) gearing is tall as (140 kph at 8000 rpm assuming a 265/35x18 tyre and 4.11 final drive ratio). 5 speeds suck. You’d also need the updated synchros. It’s also common to have a 3rd gear vibration with these gear sets. Gtr.co.uk has a couple old threads on the topic. Can’t put a CD009 in it?
  8. Why not get some QUALITY and BIG mufflers and run a 4 inch? Less complexity, less things to fail and have a better result all round.
  9. No GTR engine should be allowed back in its hole without a front diff upgrade… hands down, the best mod you can do, just infront of putting the twins in the dumpster.
  10. Correct, the crank trigger sensor and crank trigger wheel.
  11. Check the air gap between the sensor and the wheel. I would put money on it being wrong. A word of caution. Sort it out ASAP. This is no different to smashing the limiter… and we all know how much RB oil pumps love that.
  12. So what is the gauge on the A pillar going to tell you? Boost?
  13. It’s insurance for the engine and gearbox 🤷‍♂️
  14. Billet blocks, sequential boxes and god knows whatever else, a dash is Fark all 🤣
  15. Have a look at what your rear wheels do under braking. When I did my suspension setup however moons ago, the rear was toeing out under brakes making the car farken scary and quite unpredictable. Assuming the HICAS is locked out (as we all know it should be because it’s junk), the movement of the lockout bar 10mm up and 10mm out fixed it. I have the report somewhere. Could flick it to you if you’d like.
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