Rightio. I had the pleasure of going for a little squirt yesterday in the absolutely epic car. It wasn't a long drive, it was enough to get the feel for the OS88 in it. Absolutely sold. Definitely not as "agricultural" as what I would have imagined.
The first thing that struck me was how quiet and tame it is while idling. No "grump grump, lots of overlap, big cam crap" going on, just a smooth as factory idle. The noise that was coming out of the exhaust wasn't that much louder than a factory car also. Pulls well from down low but you can tell its just screaming to be wound up. 15 psi, its not even trying.
The level of detail is second to none, anyone that has looked over this car would attest to that.
Thanks again for your time Bob, you didn't have to do that. You have just spent $16,000 or so of my money.