Tried that. Nothing has changed since the night it died. Plugs the same type (just new ones gapped to the same as what they were, coils the same, fuel the same, ecu was the same.
I'll ring tomorrow and see how they went.
Everything in the head was brand new. The springs are HKS step 2's. Maybe due to the fast closing of the valve it's just enough to cause issue with higher boost at higher RPM?
At 19 psi it happens at 7000 RPM
at 26 is happens at 5000 RPM off
at half throttle we can turn it to 8500.
More pressure behind the valve forcing it open? I'm sure the ramp rates of these cams are not helping the situation haha.
Rang the guys at UE today. A new set of injectors are in the car. It hasn't been ran up under load yet so we don't know if thats the issue. Tomorrow we will know. I have a funny feeling its a valve spring. Stupid car!
Im undecided on them. Definately need the S3 Lower lip though. S1 looks homo!!!
Haha. "storm trooper" look? I agree. Black on white looks mad!
Once I get it back i'll spend a few days polishing it and take some half decent photo's. Errr, what a shit job that is!