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Everything posted by Piggaz

  1. Might be easier to go to Minto. I filled up there today and it was bang on E85.
  2. Get rid of those Turbos. GT RS' s shuffle...you won't change that. Many of us have tried and have ripped them off.
  3. ^^ were you running an oil cooler without a thermostat?
  4. ^^^ 1500 kms and I blew a hole in #1 runner which was half the size of a smaller fingers finger nail. ONLY street kms.
  5. There is no difference between a set of ported stockers and Tomei. Don't waste your money, spend it elsewhere.
  6. LOL. Go cook a steak or something ya bonehead! haha
  7. To get the ball rolling and it was only a matter of time before this was posted http://powertune.com.au/products/by-brand/powertune/powertune-twin-in-tank-fuel-pump-kit-r32-gtr.html
  8. Depends what you're doing with the car.
  9. Throw those RS' s in the dumpster where they belong!!!! If anything, that's a tad on the lower side. Ash made 365 ish at around 19 psi IIRC.
  10. ID 1000's if staying 98 or 2000's if going E85.
  11. HKS, Tomei ... 2.8 - 77.7mm Brian Crower is a 2.9 - 79 mm IIRC Rb30 - 85mm
  12. I know my sister DIDN'T have stitches. I did because of how deep and large the inflamed pussballs were. They don't cut them out but get a crazy laser in there. Maybe the bleeding was a concern years ago?
  13. Any intake metal gaskets will do. Tomei, HKS, NITTO. Whatever... Studs. Are you talking about head studs or the APR "intake studs"?
  14. Tonsilitis. What a bastard, prick, pain in the arse thing this is. Had an on going battle with it for about 4 years. My sister also. (We cross infected each other). To go to bed with a "normal throat" and wake up hardly able to talk all because I left the fan on in my room was normal. Always being tired/rundown was just part of life. I could never "catch up on sleep". After being thrown into hospital twice I went and saw a specialist with my sister tagging along. Took one look at us and said they're coming straight out. The normal GP's were sure that removing them would be a bad thing. (How can it be when you're always sick FFS and taking upto 10 penicillin tablets a day). Booked us in and within 4 weeks we were being operated on. He did warn me not to turn up with a "hot" throat. One week before the op I was having IV antibiotics to try and get rid of it long enough to be operated on. OP day.... Turns out I was inflamed as hell. Doc made a decision to operate anyway... A few days later we were both back in hospital. The first night the nurse gave us a baked dinner to eat. FFS... I have stiches in my fkn throat, couldn't drink so much as a mouthful of water and you want us to munch on a steak? Post op check up. Turns out I was about 6 weeks out from blood poisioning. Fantastic. Thumbs up to my "trusty doctors" That was about 4 years ago. Since getting having them out i've put on close to 30 KG and haven't had so much as a cold or a flu. THE BEST THING IVE DONE! Sister has also had no "downsides" from getting them out either. GP's excuse for not getting them taken out... "due to your age I knew how painful it would have been".... Well he got that right! haha. Apparantly the nerve's in the tonsils "change" around the age of 21 which makes it MUCH MORE painful than having them out as a kid. I think i'd rather have all 4 wisdom teeth out 5 times over than go through that again... No joke! If they're giving you grief, go and get them out. I wish I did it 8 years ago when this crap showed up! * appologies for the length of the post.
  15. Stroker High comp E85 3 big things your setup doesn't seem to have. 350 plus might be a bit of a stretch on -7's without nailing everything. A big exhaust goes along way. No "ups and downs" in size too. What are you doing with the car? Edit: -7's not -9's. Err.
  16. I put 22 ish litres on my car on Saturday from the Moorebank Caltex. I had bugger all fuel in the tank (the light would have been coming on soon) and that was sitting at E86. After those 22 litres it dropped down to E 77 or E76. So clearly not "E85"... well atleast not at Moorebank. Fkn Jerks!
  17. Had 60 litres in 3 jerry cans sitting on blocks of wood from Jan last year. Stuck it in the car in November and it was fine. The sensor read E86 from memory.
  18. Just launch it hahah. Yeah sweet. Dunno when i'll get them to you. haha.
  19. Ride? Pfft... Take the keys. Just don't bend it PS. I have two sets of those pipes for you to modify if you're intersted?
  20. Goes in on the 12th. Let's see what these baby -5's will do at 2 bar haha. I just bought a set of LM GT1's in 18 X 10 + 12 for it.
  21. A few of the sperm whale today after a wash.
  22. Thanks mate. I haven't, no. The loom itself is no more than 5000 Kms old. It was all fine the night I popped the engine, now this BS.. Yavuz will sort it.
  23. Haven't tried anything Pete. I just haven't driven it. That's an easy test to do though. I believe it's a hot join in the coil pack loom as I have deleted the standard igniter and running an aftermarket one. Now with the moving around of that loom It might have buggered one connection. That will now be redone with a plug. On the dyno it's at exactly the same point, on the road it changes with load, gear and ambient temp. Fkn shit thing.
  24. Haven't driven it Rosco. I should finish off the alternator install that I started two weeks ago. Haha.
  25. Find a stock airbox and throw that on. Saves this whole silly issue.
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