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Everything posted by Piggaz

  1. 3.5 weeks. I'll try but I highly doubt it.
  2. Yes. Just have a little mechanical sympathy... IE DONT be a complete and utter moron with it and they will be fine.
  3. Can it all be done in one day? Get there first thing, full result by 10 pm that night?
  4. Going down to the engine builder today to see where that's at. The only thing left is to order a head gasket as we don't know how thick to go before the dummy assemble. That's about it. A fitting and lines here and there then drop it all in. It's going to be run in on the dyno. Check mixtures then go put a few kms on it. So basically trailer to dyno (by no means this 2.4% throttle 1500 km rubbish), check, 500 kms of twisty windy with varied loads (so drive to Mac Pass and belt up that a few times) then drive back to UE the next day and turn the wick up. HURRY UP!!!!!!
  5. I'm sure if you did a search online you would find something.
  6. Same as the procam (30 mm). Poncam is 32mm.
  7. Wasteland... Closed? IBC! Woo!
  8. I had the same assumption. I asked Yavuz about this and he waffle quite technical. As I said, he is going to measure the profile and have it on a piece of paper so we can see it on a graph. He was saying the more 'triangular or pointy' it is the better.... But also the harder it is on valve train. Pfft. Harder. If the 'sponge bob' cams are anything to go by, they will be ALOT more aggressive than this.
  9. WOW. Can't wait to see this finished Paul. Are you going to keep a dark/black rim on it? White on black/ storm trooper theme is awsome!
  10. I was out there again today watching a mates SR getting tuned. I pulled out the cams to compare to the "260 @ 9.15's" to the rest from the other night. Again from the left are the Tomei 270 @ 10.25, middle is JUN 264 @ 10.5 and right is Tomei 260 @ 9.15. The JUN's are definately more "triangle" than the Tomei's in both "Procam or Poncam". Yavuz is going to map the lift VS duration and lay it out on a piece of paper. I'd like to do a set of standard cams just for shits and giggles. I'm sure I have a set laying around somewhere.
  11. haha. There will be a back to back. "that" project is humming along quite nicely . The Tomei's are Ratshit. I spose thats what happens when they weld themselves to the cam caps. They can't be reused and will be cut up at some point for 'the project'.
  12. You would think that. I had a 260 @ 9.15 poncam there too and it looked the same at the 270 (As in the big fat round nose) . Should have put that in the photo too. I'll do that when i'm out there next. Very interesting. What I did notice just by running your finger over the lobe, the JUN has a 'bump' where the 'start of duration' starts. ALOT more pronounced than the procam. It obviously ramps open alot faster/harder than the tomei.
  13. Dammit I just re read my post. The JUN is on the right. What a bloody noob!
  14. Here is an interesting little comparison. On the left we have a Tomei procam which was in my old head. The profile was 270 @ 10.25mm. On the left we have a JUN 264 @ 10.5mm. The shape is quite a bit different.
  15. Still sitting in the corner thinking about what it's done? Have sticky beak!
  16. LOL. You're a jerk! You deserve a chin shot for that! Got your brakes yet farken?
  17. A few little updates from todays efforts. "Strap the kids in".... Turbo's are nice and safe in the back. Ceramic coating all done and wrapped up. Cheers Chris!
  18. Why not just buy the right sized injectors in the first place instead of belting the pumps?
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