Well they are 2225 cc squirters... AKA 'Fire hoses' .
Dunno, don't care. They work and do a damn fine job of it. .
There is a video on YouTube of a standard integra with ID 2000's in it idling like a kitten. I think at max power it used a whopping 12% Duty. Haha!!
There is another one with a STi I think it is, same result.
Don't forget the Sards and the like are what, 15 year old design? These are pretty fresh.
5 years ago the thought of running a 1000 cc injector on a street car would have been an outrageous idea (unless you had an absolute beast), but with fuels like E85 you need to go pretty big. Hell, I'm at 71% DC on 2225's.
Slightly off topic here .