Having purchased and installed an OS88 last year, it really isn't that crazy out on the street.
I chose the 88 for a few reasons.
Helical cut gears. It's no noiser in gear than a stock box.
It bolts pretty much straight in (apart from a bees dick of tunnel massage)
From what I can gather, the Holinger is a lot more "crash and bangy" than the OS88.
Cost. It was quite a fair whack cheaper than the other options.
The PPG sequential I'm no sold on. Speaking to them for a fair amount of time while making the decision on my box, they said "we still use a stock housing... There is only so strong we can make it while being restricted here" . The OS88 for exmaple moves the shafts further out, making the gears larger.
I chose the R3C (triple plate solid centre) and it's absolutely fantastic to drive. I doubt it would hold the power that you're after. (Although the Tomei Yellow R34 drag car used an R3C so it can't be that shit)