Your posts here are way out of line... ok its your opinion, but sometimes you should keep it to yourself for the time being.
You may know plenty about cars, but as far as i'm concerned you know sweet F A about common human decency. These fires are still raging, the death toll still rising, people are still missing, peoples lives are lying in a pile of smouldering ash and you have the nerve to say they deserved it because they should've known the risks!? Couldn't even wait for the flames to die down huh...
I don't care if you think its ok to say those things and think its ok because you put a disclaimer at the start of your post "I said it was a tragedy, death is not something you wish for" that doesnt make it ok. Show a little empathy for your fellow Australians FFS...
Just because you don't know people directly doesn't mean you shouldn't care. I'm not saying walk around crying all day, but show some respect. Is it selfish that we only 'seem' to care when its in our own backyard...maybe, but thats life.