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Mayuri Krab

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Everything posted by Mayuri Krab

  1. I thought VTEC means Virtually Torqueless Economy Car. Its in the Urban dictionary, look it up.
  2. Buy a Camry, mum-mobile power!!! . But if I had that much $, I would be looking at a R34 some sort.
  3. Mayuri Krab

    Car Crash

    Did they blame the crash on VTEC?
  4. Well if he was drunk & was driving like a moron, then he deserve to die, no sympathy from me. I often seen people speeding & driving like morons past me (always seems to be in a sh*t box of some sort), & wondered what I would do if he happened to crashed right a few 100meters in front of me. I would stop & call the police & ambulance no doubt since its required by the law, however I would probably tell them that that guy deserved it for driving like a tool. & why must we stop mother nature from doing her own nature selection to phase out morons on the road.
  5. Thanks Its good to know that my car isn't stolen
  6. Could you check mine as well? 6U9000ECR33017040 Thanks
  7. Probably cracked already, Reloaded have already released the game as an image + the crack on torrent sites. I found most of the new (& up coming games) from EA all have this sort of protection. like the new crysis expansion & red alert 3. Great job EA following Microsoft's gay DRM method = I'm never buying a game with such protection, locking your key for a limit # of installs is just beyond gay.
  8. Nah, its just the base model, Altise (called something like that?)
  9. You just can't start the game.
  10. Hacked or pirated version? I know that the genuine ones all have the connect to internet to check your key & locks it to your hardware step during install.
  11. Driver for me as well, in fact a granny driver most of the time. Seems like Hyundai Excels are the ones that tries to drag me, I just continue my granny driving & ignore them, because I know underneath all that lame ricer body kit & fart cannon lies a shitty little engine that probably can't even beat my mum's V6 Camry (or her old V6 VN commo) in a drag without breaking apart.
  12. Is there a way to go convert manual -> auto? or at least convert it to semi-auto? I see plenty of people here converting their auto to manual, but is the reverse possible? Just curious.
  13. When I see cars like this, it makes me think that my idea of puring $ down on a Camry to beat skylines & V8s is not as crazy as it sounds
  14. Mac & Linux all have their own version of "BSOD", this guy at Uni has a screen saver that shows different BSODs for pretty much every commercial OS available.
  15. Its an online check thing, that makes sure that each copy of the game can only be installed 3 times max (not sure if it counts reinstall as one), after you have used up 3 attempts you have to phone EA to get a new key. I would assume that the "virus" you are talking about is this program that monitors this. Ironically, if you get the hacked version, that program is removed by the hackers. BTW nearly all of EA's latest games have this online check bit, that limits each key to a certain # of install.
  16. But you won in the end, thats all it matters. Let them bitch & moan all they want...
  17. Correction to what I have just said b4... My car seem to attract the attention of MEN . Which is very disturbing...
  18. Congrats on that! , I know that feeling of victory of not having to pay, happened to me a couple of month back, when a RAV4 didn't look where he was turning & hit me on the side, of course he didn't admit fault on the spot & was making up lame excuses how I was speeding 80 in 50 zone (which is complete BS). But in the end his insurance paid & my repair cost was ~$4k too.
  19. So I'll get my car impounded for going 15km/h under... But seriously... WOW... Just .
  20. ^^^ Some faint marks on the bumper, think my metal exhaust cannon absorbed most of the impact. Made a big dent in the lancer. I waited for the driver to come back, & the 2 girls where saying a bunch of sorrys, except they didn't want to pay anything... Long story short, mainly cause, I had some stretch marks on the side of the bumper near (but not on it) where their car hit mine, saying that the damage there is much more significant than the one they caused. & when I said I don't want them to pay for the repair of my other marks thats on the side, just the portion to fix this bit up.Then they said, how it would be impossible to find out how much to fix it, since you need to respray the whole bumper, bla bla bla, mainly mentioning how its faint & you can't see it, well maybe you can't see it, but I can. They also tried to play the "I'm so sorry, I'll willing to help out (except I don't want to pay)... want this to end nice, don't want this to end bad bla bla bla" card. But sorry sister! That card don't work on me, the only thing that settles conflicts in this world in my book is $. Anyway, In the end, she agreed to come with me to my panel repairer next Wednesday to get quote(s) on the repairs & she will pay the amount to repair those marks. I'm not expecting her to pay much ($50 at most I reckon) but thats $50 less for me to pay which is always good in my book & considering I only get ~$60 per shift for work, thats alot. & finally, I'm not gonna act all high & mighty & say "its not the $ but its the principle that matters", it isn't for me, its the $ that matters. & Yes, coz I'm very cheap, (read my signature, comes from the family). So true, think this is my 3rd strike of bad luck since last week. 1- some c*nt baned their door on my car at work, leaving a big white mark. 2- I failed my lab for one of my units... well this was kinda expected since I always do sh*t in them, just this one was sh*t-er than usual. 3- & now this... EDIT: Took some photos, just uploaded via BT from my phone to the laptop Yeah, they were mainly talking about how the stratches here are worser than the ones they caused at the back... that doesn't mean you can walk away without paying a cent, not in my book sister. No handbrakes Finally, apologies to Anahera for hijacking your thread.
  21. Sorry to hear about that. +1, I reckon, this just happened today, when I came back to my car from uni, I found a lancer up on my car's arse. Apparently the driver forgot to put her handbrake on, when she parked & this caused the car to slide downwards from the slop & right into my car's arse.
  22. My car attracts no attention from anyone, not even the cops. Which is a good thing I guess...
  23. I'm interested to the answer to this as well, since my lighter doesn't seem to work neither.
  24. Not really helpful, but with my auto, even without power mode on, just in regular mode, the gear changes all happens in ~4,000rpm (except from 1st to 2nd which occurs ~3000rpm, when the car is ~25km/h) if you keep your foot down. But if you ease off the throttle at various point at certain speeds you can get it to change earlier on. But my car is stock all round. & my Power mode seems to push the gear changes to over 5000rpm, not really sure, since I never floored it in power mode.
  25. All games are overpriced here in AU if you ask me, have a look at steam, good example was when COD4 1st came out on it, the price for that was ~$50 (same as US price) but they soon found that out & jacked it up $80 or something. A*seholes Pretty sure Core Temp would remember the setting.
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