Well this sucks...
To the OP sorry to hear about all that, hope it goes well for you.
How can your steering wheel be defected? Next time they probably pick some more lame excuses, like your AC isn't working = your car is defected coz it too hot in the car which could lead to you getting dizzy & crash... or your radio is not working = your car is defected coz you can't hear their constant propagandas on Hoons, so you will probably speed more & crash...
So far WA cops aren't that bad (at least from my experience), no cops have bothered me with my stock R33... yet.
Was driving on freeway @ 75km/h (in 80 zone) saw a cop aim his speed gun at me & he look disappointed afterwards .
Then there were times when a cop car would follow me around, while I was still driving my skyline like my family's Camry (5km/h under limit) after a while they get tired and would overtake & speed off, may be I should report him for speeding .
So are POD's illegal now? I was thinking of getting one to get that suction sound, but after hearing this, maybe I should just use my money & get a computer upgrade for my gaming rig instead, cops can't fine me for that... or can they?