You’re correct about the vin numbers, DOTARS did used to allocate completely new vin numbers that had no connection to the original Japanese vin. However at the time of importation the original vin was recorded with DOTARS, and the fact is now yours wont match up. This was a mistake that DOTARS rectified with the 6U9000 vins. Bye your logic, if I had a car with one of these old style vin numbers and I had an accident, I could just import another car swap the compliance plate over and re-register it. This is neither write nor legal. It looks like your doing a thorough job with the repairs to your car. But when it comes down to it, it is a “cut and shut”. You are tampering with structural strength of the car, and it would not behave as it should if it was involved in another accident. I find it strange that you’re showing everyone how to do something illegal.