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Everything posted by cruisinr34

  1. Hey guys n girls can anyone help me out with the best place to go to get advice on the best bodykit for my girls R33 gts-t? Any help would be appreciated!!
  2. i was stopped at a set of lights the other day when for no apparent reason and with no pror warning some sxxxhead in a green landrover jumped out kicked my door and sped off through the red light. luckily i'm guessing he kicked the door where it meets the pillar cos i couldn't find any damage, either that or he was piss weak. has anyone else in a black r34 pissed off a rover driver? lol. weirdness
  3. cruisinr34

    Open Cruise

    sorry i couldnt make it my mate decided to get himself bashed on the way home from the local after work, so had to console him with copius amounts of burbon..
  4. i heard a rumour that W.A. authorities are not longer going to be aproving modification permits for performance cars. can anyone confirm this at all? is our state government once again giving us enthusiasts the finger?
  5. hey all, i'm Mike from W.A., i've had my R34 for about 2 months now and love every second of it, it's a black 4 door with 17" dark gold drift mags, if anyone sees me cruising give me a wave. i'm looking forward to attending some meetings and getting to know a few more people in perth, hanging out with like minded skyline fanatics and having some good times, also i'm hoping my girl will come along and meet some other girls and make some new freinds as well, as we're both new to perth. cheers people and happy cruising.
  6. have you measured the oil volume from the turbo feed?
  7. thanks man plenty of info there, might go for the new dump pipe to cat zaust next i think, and a new pod, should help me on my way.
  8. hey everyone, new to the forum, i have recently brought a 1998 tiptronic r34 25 gtt, and i'm quite proud of my new baby. i have put in a new front mount and also i have done the solenoid modd. my liner has a 3" katamoto exhaust cat back, so far these are the only mods (apart from suspension, mags etc) any advice on where to go from here would be great, money's not really an issue but would like to get 230-250 kw at the wheels, if this is possible while keeping the engine reliable. any help would be great, cheers, Mike
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