Hey fellow skyline owners
I got a little problem with my Right Hand Rear Brake, my car is a 1995 GTS-t, i have standard brakes, well tonight i was driving along at regular speed 60kmh and then out of the blue i hear somehing blow like a hose, then pulled up to my driveway and found out to be my brake cause it started to squeel, it is making sounds like when you take a tin can and kick it on the ground and is also squeeling like my brake pads are out, my fluids are full and my brake pads have about half meat left on them, physically on the outside my brakes look normal and nothing looks or feels loose just making a really ugly sound like something has broken. Has anyone ever had this problem or would know maybe wat is wrong with it, please any advice will do as this is my currently my daily driver and i have to get to and back from work. thank you