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Big Nath

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Everything posted by Big Nath

  1. Sorry wrong link...try this one http://www.seek.com.au/users/apply/index.ascx?Sequence=92&PageNumber=1&JobID=15278492
  2. Hi Guy’s, This is just a heads up to anyone out there who lives in Sydney, works in graphic design and has web experience. Motoractive, (we are Meguiar’s car care and House of Kolor custom paint in Oz and do heaps with the car community) have a really great job going and we want someone who has the above experience and is also in the car scene. If you are interested or know someone that may fit the bill, here’s the link to our ad that’s just been placed on Seek. Applications close next Wednesday! http://www.seek.com.au/advertisers/ads/JobAdPreview.ascx?JobID=15278492
  3. If you google digital paint booth and click on HOK digital paint booth you will get a feel for what we are looking to do.We want to update it with Australian and Japanese cars.
  4. We are looking for all types of cars...I just drive a holden commodore. Can you suggest which section to put it in??
  5. Hey Guys, I need pics of Red cars to feature on our website as a base vehicle for our paint selector. The shots need to be of decent resolution and be from the front corner. We would love to feature real cars. Their may even be a little prize for the selected cars. You can either post on here or email them to me. Thanks
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