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Everything posted by shanusr33

  1. Hey guys, i've never really blown my own trumpet on here before, even earlier this year when i was in my first car feature April Hot 4's. But today there's a spread in the technology section of the Herald Sun and its bloody annoying waking up to txt messages, but when you're woken up by mates telling you your famous and it looks great i can't complain :-) And good news too, the skyilne was the first featured car that takes up half the first page. No mention of hooning etc so maybe this will help enthusiasts look better than hoons and a step in a positive direction for a change etc... ...but probably not
  2. the presence of cops on princess hwy between warrigul rd and clayton friday night was unbelievable! i pulled out of my street to see 3 cop cars on the corner of clayton road. i thought there was an accident or booze bus or something, then driving towards the city saw another two cars pulled over just up the road and another 3 cop cars :-( as this was so unusual i decided to count for the rest of the night, and in total i only drove 50km that evening but saw in total 12 cop cars (all marked) and 6 people pulled over, including a very tidy yellow R34 near huntingdale road :-(
  3. sorry i mustn't have been clear. since using the switch, battery has not died. it's not so much as a switch but a push in pull out switch plug thing. so when i park the car for a period of time at home i pull the plug out and leave the plug in the glove box = no power getting through to the amps. sounds like you're really fed up dude, i'm going to finish on "get the optima and get the switch no more problems!" but that's my opinion to try to help you out, seems like a pretty quite thread nobody else is commenting so i'm going to stop and hopefully somebody else can give you some ideas?? hopefully? if not, as i said, please report and post back with pics and results!? hey, that reminds me, i'll take a photo this weekend for ya and post it monday when i get in. cheers, have a good weekend, shanus
  4. never officially found out, but i'm 100% sure it were my amps and equipment as I've never had a problem since installing the switch so it can't be anything else! split systems aren't too bad either, (you mean running 2 batteries?) but then theres housing the other battery and getting it going, and the problem is you still have acid batteries! its up to you man, good luck with the set up and make sure you post pictures when it's all in!!!
  5. nah its not flawed, i was thinking on the same path when i decided to get a new battery. i didn't know why it just kept getting worse and worse, to a point where i brought a brand new battery and again, it died! i stuffed around a little and my mechanic told me it was my interior aftermarket light drawing current constantly so i got rid of it but it kept happening. rather than stuffing around anymore i just went that little bit further to get an optima battery. 'they say' whoever 'they' are, that unlike acid batteries that once flattened will half their life, then flattened again another limb gone etc etc until they're screwed, optima batteries are built to last a flattening. in fact, they strive off that stuff, as long as they get a full charge again when flat! IMO go the optima, you wont regret it!
  6. lol fair enough umm it's probably best to get a multimeter across your equipment to see whats going on and whats draining it the most. I haven't run the negative cables back to the battery directly from my amps as i've installed an earth block and all my negatives run back to this grounding unit which goes to the battery or chassis i can't remember which one. usually it's recommended to do what you have done, so i can't see how it's a problem, as long as you use the same gauge wire for positive and negative. here's a shocking photo of some of the crap going on with my boot before i cleaned it all up. i now have office style condue keeping everything in line and power away from other wires etc it's really quite a neat job now You may notice how I've had to customise the battery tray and use the angle grinder to take off the original lips on the side, then just used a wider plastic base under the optima battery - geez it's tight! The three fuse boxes are all run back to the battery seperately, the one i mentioned in previous posts is the one in the middle, which has the kill switch now installed. and finally, just underneath this is where all my negative cables are. If you can't find a solution by installing a kill switch, perhaps test it all and use some ideas from people on here. have you got two seperate positive cables to each amp, or do they go through a fuse box similar to mine? perhaps that's another idea you can steal if you have no luck... sorry bout the long post, shanus
  7. huh? at the wire for the battery? not sure i follow I have a number of massive cables coming direct off my yellow top optima battery. 1 of them goes to the original skyline stuff and fuse boxes and whatever, 1 I added on goes to my power converters for my screens, and 1 I added also goes to this fuse box i was trying to explain. so yes, the kill switch is right near the battery in the boot. Whenever I leave my car in the garage or at my parents for a long period of time I pull the switch out and leave it. I haven't needed to yet, but if i was ever going to drop my car off with someone i could so the same. otherwise it's cleaverly consealed behind one of my monitors in the boot that you reach around the back of to pull out push in, easy. hope this helps. are you in melb? any cruises coming up soon i'd be happy to catch up... cheers, Shane
  8. I'm running 4 gauge cable from the battery through a kill swith that i picked up from Jaycar for about $15bucks or so, then to a fuse box holder that holds four massive glass 60amp fuses. from the fuse box 3 cables run to each of my 3 amps and 1 cable off to the computer. no kill switch in, no nothing! and battery hasn't had a problem since. i even left the car for 3 weeks without clicking it over but it still turned no problems. dude...do it!
  9. i have a yellow top and had to custom fit it into the existing location. i'm very happy with its performance until recently after not driving it for a week it died on me again. I decided that I'd install a kill switch between the battery and the fuse holder for all my amps so that when I know i wont be driving it for long periods i can take the switch out easily. Also this means people who have my car eg mechanic etc can't see what my system can handle as it wont work for them Since installing the switch I've never had a problem again with the battery or any of the above posts mentioned problems. There's more on the optima stuff here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Au....html&st=40 page 3 near the bottom includes a pic of my battery install job. cheers, shane
  10. fark i wish every1 would stop using my names! HAHAHA there's palmer, and now there's shane! WTF is going on This thread was made for me!! You guys should be welcoming me or something!? anyways, can't help with mods as I haven't done much engine work atm but any audio questions i can most likely assist i've gone a little crazy when it comes to my system etc. enjoy
  11. yeah that's right i guess you can't ever get sick of being called palmer now it's in ink! nice work!
  12. you can't be palmer, i'm palmer! mates have been calling me palmer since primary school and i'm older than you so nuueh its all good i'm sick of that nickname now anyways, welcome aboard palmer! it just sounds weird calling you that LOL hey theres more in common, i brought a series 1 gts-t r33 as my first line also. where abouts in west sydney? i'm in melbourne s.e. but i got mates in south sydney 'cronulla' haha and 'miranda' and west sydney 'richmond' and i get up there all the time welcome aboard....you will spend many sleepless nights unable to take yourself away from reading these forums and many hours lost at work for the same thing good luck! shanus
  13. got mine from carmate as well. ordered online came to my front door shortly after. quick and easy and effective - here's a pic of when i first got them to how they look now.
  14. shanusr33

    East Link

    it's free for about 4 weeks in total i think, so until late july 26th i'm pretty sure
  15. shanusr33

    Car Vs House

    I've just brought a house this year too, and am working 4 jobs to pay the repayments on my own, and drive a SR Falcon as my daily and R33 weekender. Ive been debating for weeks whether to sell the line to do renovations on the house and pay off some debt, but with the way things are i wont get what i want for my ride :-( However, the conclusion i've come to is as follows: If i were to sell the skyline now and pay off some debts and play with my house for a while, then i'll be better off short term but in 4 - 5 years time regretting it badly cause i haven't had the skyline to drive around and play with and i would have lost my hobby! ........ Whereas if I keep the 33, and struggle and live without the extras for the moment and save hard, then in 4 - 5 years time i would have got that money i wanted years ago (now) and all along kept my baby :-) To answer the original question, people have made great points and i agree and voted 'house' as it'll only be worth more in time
  16. shanusr33

    Car Vs House

  17. too bad you aren't in vic, i went to a wreckers in carnegie area and they had different styles and colors for only $30bucks each brand new in their packets! if ya want i can find out more info for you
  18. I've checked all the cables last night and i've found the source but not really the problem!? please help somebody!? The buzzing whining noise coming from the speakers is only coming from my rear speakers and boot speakers that run off my 4 channel amp. I have a 2 channel, 4 channel and mono block amplifyer all stacked on top of each other. last night when i took out the fuze for the 4 channel amp there was no more squeeling! the other speakers and amplifyers are fine. so i put the fuze back in and played the music with NO car running and there was also no squeeling. I'm finding this really odd! i've recently had a problem with my mono block amp blowing red smoke and they replaced it practically on the spot, but everythings been running fine for a while then it's just started so i don't get it! all the cables are running with each other and the battery is in the boot so its not a 'run opposite side of car' thing either. if i take the amp back and say theres a problem, they'll test it (not in a car) and it'll be fine as it runs good without the car running. any help on this would be greatly appreciated please, thanks!
  19. for christmas my misses 'stole' my first ever autosalon trophy and 'hijacked' my phone for a second just enough time to get my fibreglassing guys number to get the number of the photographer to get a print and put it all together without me even noticing!!! greatest gift ever! she understands my prioity tree
  20. i'm in if the weather stays nice and i don't make finals in the tournament im in if i do make finals i'll have to miss this one been on eastlink a few times in different spots but think it'll be awesome to do the whole run with a bunch of other lines! can't wait
  21. Found it: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/cy...ess-t59307.html Bit of googling work myself searching maps looking for the ANZ and it got me to Windsor avenue, which got me back to google and guess where i end up in google: SKYLINES AUSTRALIA HAHAHAH LOL call em see if they'll ship. cheers, Shanus
  22. where are you from? in victoria there's a shop in springvale i picked one up for, and it only lasted a few weeks before giving way on me. when i went back to replace it, they said they had new ones in cause the last ones were crap these are much better for only $90.00. Since putting it in over a year ago, he's right - no problems anymore. something orother auto accessaries i think it's called, just off springvale rd in the middle of springvale next to the ANZ bank on the corner. hahhaa i guess that's no help
  23. Hey I need to ask a similar question....I'll try to follow the steps above, BUT, the whining has only just started to occur?? I completed my system last November and have been enjoying it ever since. Out of nowhere, I was taking my line up to the mountains last week and on the way back it started squeeling ridicoulsly loud! After I check everything again tonight or over this weekend, can anybody recommend why it would just begin to crack it for no apparant reason? thanks
  24. that sucks! i know how you feel too, a few years ago a guy side swipped my friend driving and took off, so in the passenger seat i called the police and asked for back up LOL as we chased them and stayed on the phone and all the officer could say is no patrols were in the area so we hooned it till the car gave up and they got away you'd think the distance you travelled a cop somewhere would be able to respond. too bad for your efforts, good work though!
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