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Everything posted by shanusr33

  1. oh crap that's massive! haha why would you need something like that!? what are you running? the one i've put in does the job, no problems at all except when i'm pumping everything at full without the car running, but for shows i run off electricity anyways. good luck with the rest of the install, looks like quite a task.
  2. huh? > didn't know they came bigger - bugger where'd you fit yours in? got pics?
  3. It's actually Window's XP with the Media Edition version that I can go into while driving. It's too hard to find a small mouse arrow on a 7inch screen otherwise but the jukebox format is great for scrolling through all my media, video, pics, and music on the move. Couldn't tell you much more about the PC, my mate Daniel Bradshaw designed it and built it for me. It comes in a Molex case and has DVD burner, plenty of USB's at front and rear, about 40 gig and is pretty quick. it comes with 12 volt and 24volt power leads, so the 12 volt one is hooked into my car but when i pull it out I take it inside and connect to the other lead in my study. I have a HDTV connection and Broadband Internet also and it all handles without a problem so I'm very happy with it all! The only pics i've got at work with me are attached. they're a little messy but it shows you the build behind the scenes. pic 1 is the hidden PC, you don't see it once the screens are in but can still easily reach it to use it. The grey box on the right of the pic is the sony AV input thing (hidden neatly of course), so you can plug in a PS2 or VHS player or anything with red/white/yellow cables. pic 2 is before i started wiring everything up. i had to upgrade my battery to an optima which was so much bigger so i modified the shelf by angle grinding it and welding it wider. The rest of the stuff there are for the fuses for power converters, amplifyers and other electronics. pic 3 shows you the back seat install before i wired it all up. used dynomat Everywhere! all the doors, boot, back seats etc completely finished a bulk pack of the stuff! pic 4 is the spine as we were designing it. I sent off all the shapes to my mate Darren who then provided me with all the parts and the buffing machine -took forever
  4. Sure is, April edition of Hot 4's The pics in there look awesome (thanks Jun Sawa) and it's my first ever go at it, so pretty happy. The set up is crazy, i'm running windows media edition so even while driving along, i can rest my hand next to the hand brake and i have a mouse touch pad, and the media center is like using a simple juke box! thanks.
  5. Hi all, For something a little different, here's my install that i worked into the back seats! I had too much equipment for the boot Did the install myself with some mates Freddy from Topstage did the fibreglassing Daniel at Powerstudios did all the airbrushing exterior and interior, subs etc. In case you were wondering, it's a plexiglass 'spine' through the centre...the exterior of the car has been airbrushed to look 'frozen' and the interior works in with scales and creature like effects so the spine is the backbone to this masterpiece hope you like it?? Headunit: Sony XAV-77 AV Unit - 7inch LCD with the works (DVD, MP3, etc) Front: Alpine X Type 6in splits Rear: Alpine S Type 6in splits (airbrushed) 6x9: Alpine hidden in boot behind screens Amp: 3 x Alpine PDX 4.150 - runs the two rear splits and boot 6x9's 2.150 - runs purely the front x types 1.100 mono block for the two subs Subs: 2x Alpine BASS ZR airbrushed 12inch Computer: Pentium 4 with the works DVD Burner, 40 gig hard drive, Windows Media Center, full Broadband Mobile Internet, HDTV Screens: 2x LG 19" Widescreen LCD's in boot Car: Make: Nissan Model: Skyline R33 Pictures:
  6. i use a place on Kangaroo Road in Ormond between Warrigul and Poath rds. i think its called hughesdale motors or something like that, looks like an old servo and don't know much about good prices but i've just always used him cause it's close and convenient and the more i go the better the deals get
  7. WooT 1st spot ever! saw you too, would have stopped to chat but you seemed held up on the phone nice 34 man, i was having a good look at it down at RE Customs a few weekends back - love it! also, saw WAITUP in springvale last week, nice tail lights and a few skylines last night in knox
  8. yeah that's right. once you open up the 33 tail lights you'll see that the way they shine red is only by the red lenses covers. The inside reflector part is plain and has nothing to do with its color, and chucking in a red globe or red LED globe on it's own is not enough! But the bonus is the circular rough edges outer part just under the lenses is already clear, and reusable! it would look crappy if this part wasn't re-used. i'm pretty happy with the way they've turned out, and surprisingly it was the most frequently asked question everywhere i go. cheers
  9. Yay i've finally been spotted! Hey guys, this'll be my first post, been browsing for a few weeks and going to sign up march 1 at RE Customs day. I'm the owner of the frozen r33 with a jurassic theme going on - not many people got that at autosalon, they thought it had water and clouds and shit going on but the car itself is frozen! U see me around i'll stop to say hi. Anyways, as for my tail lights they are LED's when the lights come on. I made them myself. what i did was: Brought some old ones from the wreckers to do a test first in case i stuffed them up put a drill hole in the middle of the red lenses got a heat gun and used the holes as leverages to hold onto while i pulled them off (its actually 1 piece joined in the middle but the glue just goes all around) had my mate at a plastics place make me up some inserts which the LED's were drilled into and put together then i got him to make me up some surrounds which i used his plastic glue to put back together! it's that easy - the insert piece which holds the LED's goes behind the circular rough edges insert just behind the lenses, so it looks sweet and uses all the original parts if you got any questions, or want some more pics, gimme a buzz otherwise hope to put some faces to the usernames when im there next weekend shanus
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