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Everything posted by shanusr33

  1. try freeway car audio, malvern or dandenong. i got mine from steve at dandenong years ago, he's supplied me all my alpine gear and really helpful. originally they took ages to come in as i was ordering them from overseas when they were first released, but surely by now alpine australia have them so wont be too hard to get a hold of. btw they are unbelivable! I have a 2 channel pdx amp running them and couldn't be happier!
  2. i dont have them anymore, but post 8 on here gives you more info/pics. it's all been covered already, just thought i'd share. i found replacing the globe with a red one or even the led globes still wasn't enough, so i installed led's into the clear taillights too. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Le...33-t207206.html
  3. the nav unit i'll be installing next should look pretty stock as it'll be on the 7inch screen on the head unit of the audio system. the poineers have a fairly new system that on start up allows you to select on the touch screen 3 options, navigation/multimedia/phone all built in. my alternative, is use my 7inch screen i have, and alpine (probably others as well but the rest of my system's alpine so i'll stick with them) sells the bluetooth kit to match up, but they also sell the nav set up too. It plugs into the back of your head unit, and the portable system can be hidden away permanently behind dash, or in the glove box. i'm putting it in the glove box because when you unplug it from the portable unit it will go into my daily car. when you plug it in, it charges itself, and the screen on the unit in the glove box goes black and the signal throws to your head unit. hope that makes sense. look around, if you have the dollars consider upgrading to any number of incredible units on offer atm, i think this will be the way to go moving forward.
  4. reading this thread makes me upset. I never knew the stress involved with being pulled over until this year. owning an R33 for 6 years and never pulled over once until this year, where i've been pulled over six times grrr. (and i've only driven 30,000km in 6 years, about 3 of them this year) Spunky, based on information here, i totally agree you should take legal advice and go to court. it's good you have their names on the slip as you could also write a letter of complaint directly to police headquarters if you like Please keep us all updated. i've been driving my line now every day since i got it back from the workshop and hoping i can continue to enjoy the summer weather. Good luck
  5. I'd just like to report to everyone that i finally got my car back yesterday after 5 weeks of it in the workshop getting a roadworthy! I wasn't required to get a RWC, i've been pulled over 6 times this year and haven't been given a canary or anything, but like the title says - sick of fearing cops - and i wanted it to be totally legal and drive more frequently. it's sad, in the first 6 years I was never pulled over once, and this year has definately made up for that. so fellow SAU'ers you will finally see me out and about and at more cruises now, looking forward to summer!
  6. Reminds me of the first three (yes folks, that's right - 3!) workshops i had my R33 at! I'm so angry right now just thinking about wtf those people did to my car! I realised how pathetic the jobs were that the only way i could fix it was to start over and take everything off (biggest waste of $$), make a brand new kit and complete respray. Turned out alright in the end, but this s#it just makes my blood boil Examples of the first three places include: uneven make of front bar from two workshops eg not symetrical, uneven fitment, overspay on all tyres and underbody of car, so to fix it they sprayed underneath with black paint, orange peel, heaps of paint runs, non-completion of front bar eg no indicators, no mesh, no numberplate, found MY numberplate on ANOTHER white 33 skyline in THEIR garage -WTF?, told to pick up my car so I bus it down to find it was going to be another day (twice this happened), rear bar dropped and fell after getting car back for 2 days, glue or something of some sort stuck to my nice new stainless steal exhaust which to this day wont come off, and terrible customer service and poor quality from everything. that's the last time i'll be 'recommended' to a friend who owns a business - yeah righto I took my injured weary pathetic line to TOPSTAGE who gutted it back to basics and started fresh from a concept design we sketched and less than a year later (it took this long because it was a bit by bit work in progress due to $ so there was no rush) my baby was proudly strutting it's stuff again Freddy!
  7. cool thanks hamish, i thought i was being 'creative' and different as i always am, so i've printed some. but yeah i wouldn't mind grabbing the nismo one in exchange maybe for a couple of cold beverages at the xmas drinks thing...u going?
  8. i know, silly hey! i took it on the chin and learned from it obviously, but i was just backing up ruffels story
  9. Yeah LOL not facing direction of traffic i got done too! Middle of bendigo a few years back, 3am after a night out I was driving back to the motel in a two way street with paralell parking on each side in town, not a car in sight - anywhere - and i wanted to get cash out of an atm. rather than stopping on the other side of road in an unknown area in the dark, i pulled up alongside the atm, lights still on, car running, door open, jumped out, card in the maching, blue and red lights pull up, fining me for facing the wrong way...
  10. Hi all, So i used the search function and found this old thread: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ge...hl=gear+sticker Forget opinions if people like them, or think they are legal or not, I wanted to fit one onto my car because i no longer have an ashtray and car lighter, so i think it would look good in my blank spot, and besides, I'm getting a RWC and I want to ensure nobody can say anything whatsoever if its there - eliminates the debate. So, my question is: Can I make my own or do they have to be specific sizes/shapes/etc...?? If so, I have put these together I thought other members might be interested, and all you need to do is find a good printer, and use a nice photopaper or card with sticky back or labels etc that wont get dirty easy, or laminate somehow and you're done. Personally, I'm going to have mine printed professionally on plastic, and put it all together, but thought i would share with you all. Hope you like
  11. What about replacing the rear windscreen with one that doesn't have a rear wiper?? I know this has been covered in other topics, and people thinks it looks stupid etc without the wiper and there's heaps of opinions, but as i have no spoiler LED brake lights and a scratched up old rear tint anyway, i was thinking of replacing the rear window with a plain one like in some other models, and where the wiper motor currently is replace this with the brake light?? I'm getting a RWC and this is an item that i'll need to address... Has anybody done this? Has anybody any ideas of price? Does anybody else think its a waste of my money and I should just put a strip of lights at the top of my rear window LOL
  12. Not to do with breath testing, but thought i'd let you know there is an unmarked white ss patrolling all the 40 zones around oakleigh east, chadstone etc, as i've seen him both friday on my way to work and this morning on my way to work. I think this is good because ppl dont slow down enough for these zones. But as for the weekend and princess hwy as i live on the damn road... nothing! it was fairly quiet.
  13. pics?? updates?? i wish i could get to these meetings but they always seem to be tuesdays when i work
  14. I would but i only got 2 seats - so i guess i can only help any losers who are going on their own without a date! LOL Either that or drive it yourself and take your date and stop traffic everywhere! but that'll cost way more than 30 thanks very much oh crap, just re-read the thread - mines a 33 so not good enough for ya
  15. if you can't get one take mine
  16. bugger i can't get out early, i look forward to this each year but this year i gotta leave around 1 or 2 in time for a wedding grrr looks like i'm out
  17. I've just realised i'm staying in shepparton this same weekend for a work conference! I always miss these events due to basketball and work, so this time i'll be heading down for a look-see, and if you need a volunteer when i arrive feel free to grab me for a while.
  18. can you offer this again in another couple of months?? please? i would so take you up on this offer but this month i cant quite get there with my bills :-( keep me in mind if your ever short again, thanks!
  19. i've always used these guys: http://www.misskittyscostumes.com.au/ this yoda was only about $55 i think for the entire weekend of 3 days their website has heaps more, check 'em out
  20. hey i'll take the foosball table if its still for grabs?
  21. phew that's lucky, i thought you were going to say they were doing road worthys
  22. ^^ True i agree - but in my defense i'll say this... At the time i wasn't a member of SAU, did most of my modifying off the bat without advice, and didn't know there was good and bad way to do things. And on a budget you find ways to take shortcuts and this is one that doesn't effect me and nobody else has said anything and really, i don't care. Besides, the question on the thread was where can i find fakes
  23. i got mine from carmate.com at first i wasn't too happy with how they fitted, but a little messing around and painting them up made them work pretty well and i'm happy with them. more than half the price of the real ones and doesn't make much difference to me.
  24. Thanks Wayne yet again! I wish I didn't have to leave at lunch as well but works work... And didn't have a camera this time but thanks everyone for all the pics. great to see you all again cant wait for the next one!
  25. i wont name names but one of my mates once told me a story of a bucks night gone horribly wrong where he felt the dude lying on the floor getting raped should have reported it to somebody, but geez it was hilarious at the time! no harm done i guess no dildo's or bums involved
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