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Everything posted by ari666

  1. hi fellas. ive got an R32 with same problem, thanks to google i stumbled on this thread and ive noticed that some people are sticking resistors in to trick the control unit into thinking its 20+ degrees inside the car. i think i may have a better solution and thought id share. so these are the sensor charateristics: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t31.0-8/10258865_10152074674351402_5938012635183684773_o.jpg i found these 2.2kohm thermistors on ebay for 5 bucks: GA93521 2322 640 63222. Vishay BC Components Thermistor , NTC 2.2K 5% http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/GA93521-2322-640-63222-Vishay-BC-Components-Thermistor-NTC-2-2K-5-/141252970692?pt=AU_B_I_Electrical_Test_Equipment&hash=item20e35548c4 so theyre 2.2k ohm @ 25deg C according to the skyline manual we need 2.65k ohm @25deg C so they should be in the ballpark. dunno if this helps anyone, but information is valuable and sharing is caring.
  2. hi, this is my first post so bear with me; my GTR just did the same thing this weekend and the flash code indicated the 'g' sensor. however my owners manual is a poor scan of the original and i cant make heads nor tails of where it is located, anyone know its whereabouts? fanx
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