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Everything posted by niran

  1. any one ??
  2. hey guys/girls today i went and bought a VG30 turbo, it has ball bearings and also the steal wheel, not the normal ceramic wheel that tends to come off under pressure. ok i know the foot print on this turbo is a T3 however, i heard that i need a rb30 dump pipe. and some more things to be able to bolt it on and get it running.. does any one know what i have to do to install the turbo and what other parts i must have. the car i have is a r32 gts-t the modifications are. 3 inch Apexi Exhaust Hks Pod filter the rest are stock. the engine is the rb20det. i bought the vg30 because my turbo on the rb is dead and has ALOT off shaft play. any help would be great. thanks niran
  3. oh i c. does any one know if $350 for a ball bearing Vg30 is a good price?
  4. oh realy. i might look around for that see if any one has that for sale. thanks for that
  5. ok hey guys. yer true i could try that one. ok by lag how much lag would i be expecting?.. and um the price for the turbo he is a friend of mine, so he said he will sell it for $350.00 for the ball bearing one with the steal shafts. is that worth it?, it has no shaft play ither. thanks for all the help guys let us know what you think niran
  6. hey guys, does any one know how much a Ball bearing VG30 turbo would Appox. Cost?? thanks niran
  7. hey mate how much would i be looking at for a rb25?
  8. hey guys. yer i might try the rb25 turbo. but is there anything good about the vg30 ? is it bigger and is it any better?? and um thanks mate but i was thinking of getting a bigger one and getting rid the rb20 one. thanks niran
  9. hey guys. Currently i have a stock r32 gts-t that is running the standard turbo. However its nearly on its way out and it is screaming, i was told that the vg30 was a good upgrade (the ball bearing one). Just wanted to know if anyone else on sky aus has used this before in this car and if so what does it perform like and is it any good? Also after i buy the turbo i will also install a front mount to go with it. any advice or help appreciated thanks niran
  10. hey man. quick question..Does it start counting down?? as in does a little message box pop up and then say you have 59 seconds and so on?? .also download something called MINIPE. after that burn it onto a disc . what it does is if you can’t access windows you can choose the option so that you can boot minipe onto the ram. and minipe will then run as a small OS. on it, it has some virus scan programs, ad aware and some more neat tools. let me know how it goes. Niran
  11. hey guys. ok im gonna be going to jess's house soon to ask what the guys look like. we meeting up some where.? sorry to hear man this is dodgy!
  12. niran


    Yes the priorities are a bit wrong with them. Yet on TV they showing how they going to catch criminals with DNA and finger prints. maybe if they rocked up that would help!
  13. niran


    yer it is . i cant belive they did that. they probably tried to steal my cuzins car too. until they relised there is NO ENGINE! in it! ahaha so probably just stole the seats and deck and tools instead. thanks for all the help
  14. niran


    hey serious!! my cousin's got stolen at saturday night also at 2am-3am . thank you for the help
  15. niran


    Wow i woke up , and this conversation has got real deep. i just thought it was a random thing. But this has happened to all you's also gee. Hey "jessr33" when did they break into your car? Just want to see how long ago to my cousins incident. Thanks every one this was WAY more then what i thought i would get. Again why Skyline aus is the best forum, Thanks for all the help everyone niran
  16. niran


    yer lived there all my life. started out as a good place aye. but thingz change now its full of try hard wanabe so called ganster lil kids who should go back to school.
  17. niran


    lol realy??. yer man lol thats it. yer thanks for the help
  18. niran


    serious! ahh awsome he lives on lydon blvd. near the shops. if you see anything man let us know thank you
  19. niran


    hey mate. yer um the bucket seat wasnt bolted down. as my cuzin was making the holes for the clutch pedal that day. hence why i said some one would have been watching. thanks man for the help
  20. Hey guys/girls This is for my cousin. He has a Silvia s13 which he’s been doing a manual conversion into and dropping a black top also. The car has been in the carport however he does not have a full roller door enclosure one. Any way he has been working on it for the last couple of weeks. On the 31st of Saturday approximately 1am-3am the car windows were smashed and the stereo, the bucket seats and also $400.00 of tools where all stolen. It would have to be someone in the area close by to know what he had in the car and that he had the tools in the car also. I put this up on sky aus. Just if you guys see or hear anything about it please let me know. The suburb my cousin lives in is Atwell,6164. I’ve seen some skyline drivers around that area if so, please keep a look out if you could. Thank you very much also here is a pic of the bucket seat
  21. hey dude. wow that was alot of help. thanks for that man, i will pm you for the more information thanks dude.
  22. Hey guys/girls i was just reading the Stock r32 projector conversion guide. from the stock lights to the euro projectors. just a quick question does anyone know where? or how much the headlights for Honda euro's would cost?? Thanks every one all help appreciated
  23. awsome guys. done done done. if any one wants to ever know the wirring match up from the turbo timer to the r32 . just pm me.. cyaz guys
  24. oh realy.. thanks for that aye. il look into that more. il try find some one who has a skyline in perth that has the SS and go in the car to see what it feels like. and then try the HSD's .. thanks for the help man niran
  25. hey guys.. awsome thanks for the help
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