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Wesley James R32GTR

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Everything posted by Wesley James R32GTR

  1. Fine on mine to - check your speakers Brendan!!!
  2. Wow yeah that's def where it's at, specially on street rubber. Have new wheels with fresh rubber (same width & profile) fitted all round now. This should make a big diff straight up for me as my rears were fried b4 I got there Wednesday night. Had different width tyres front & rear which effects a GTR unless they're sized up perfectly profile wise to achieve matching tyre O.D. front to rear - which mine wern't Some believe this is not the case but for me you can see it straight away on the torque guage as soon as you give it a bootfull. In my case with the previous tyres the fronts kick in latter than they should when compared to say my track wheels/tyres which are the same all round. You can also see this on the vids Brendan got of me on launch as my rears would light up for a while before the fronts would intervene and pull her away. Good times, Wes
  3. Couple of pics on the motorplex website of you Brendan. http://www.motorplex.com.au/gallery.php?mode=gall&gid=271
  4. Enjoyed the other night fellas, was good to meet ya'll. Best for me for the night was as Brendan mentioned a 12.369 after the burnouts which I was happy enough with. Like to think the big girl would have enough in her to drop into the 11's with some decent rubber and some more practice. Also positive for me was to hear that my 60 foots were matching your 1.9's Rich and I had shit old Bridgies verse you running the nice wide semi's! Great work on the Vids Brendan, would love to see them as they must be better than the shite I-phone ones my bro got. Might give ya a bell tonight and swing by and throw them on a thumby if your around. Can show you my new wheels as well Wes
  5. Will be there round 6 as well fella's. Got another 1 definite (32 gtr) and possibly another as well. Wes
  6. Yep the fun bit, that's the key to me Have managed to fit one up tonight, so will be doing skids for fun whethers theres benefit or not! Looking fwd to it. Brendan you can do warmup skids matey - no excuse!
  7. Might see if I can tee up a skid switch between now n then so I can practice doing warm up skids!!!
  8. Hmmmmm very tempting fellas, new clutch is now bedded in so might try join you two
  9. This should clear things up fellas, 2nd page of newsletter has the spiel about track improvements. Should be cool IMO as long as you can still see the majority of the track with the new pits going in in the middle! http://www.wascc.com...on_July2011.pdf Also see below release talking about the infield pits I mentioned. http://www.wascc.com.au/pdf/Media%20Release%20-%20Infield%20Dower%2013.7.11.pdf Wes
  10. 2nd last tuning day of the year this Friday 25th November. Barbs is set to close up for reno's over summer until March/April next year, so good opportunity to get up there before she closes up for a while..... Will be a good test for the cars cooling system with curent weather temps were having Anyone keen to come up for a thrash around or a look see? Come say hi if you do! Wes James
  11. Who has organinsed the cruise SAWA or another club? Keen either way, just curious....
  12. Niran if you could flick the footage through to me as well that would be fantastic. wesley.james@i-o-s.com.au Cheers
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