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  1. ahh the good ole days Unfortunately, another reason for the big move from here is that many Skyline owners are now driving something different....but agree, FB is probs the biggest reason
  2. I'll PM Abe guys
  3. Welcome aboard aus-bogan
  4. LOL guys....check the posts that you've replied to.....7 years old!
  5. any pics from the last cruise boys.....heard there were a couple or 3 nice GTR's there!
  6. Gregorypale.....YOU'RE FIRED!
  7. Also, you won't necessarily see much improvement by running 100 ron without tuning your ECU to the stuff (ie. more timing and boost)....other than cleaner upper cylinders through more efficient burning.
  8. there's alot of inaccurate info out there about the increased performance that E85 will give you. You can virtually throw a match at the stuff and it won't burn. The increased performance comes from the amount of timing and boost you can dial into an E85 set up without the fear of detonation like pump fuel. If you can live with the lack of availability and increased fuel consumption, it's well worth it. Speak to Donnon first before you do anything and don't go crazy big with injectors unless you like idle issues.
  9. always wondered about you Brad! Surprised Andrew isn't all over this...everyone knows he has a bottom fetish!
  10. do you do prostate checks for us old farts?
  11. Wow...should've listened to you bud! The running costs and constant supervision freaked me out a little but yeah, in the same vein, I wish I bought a whole bunch of properties at the turn of the century. With the massive property boom we've experienced, I'd be a squillionaire now!! Might try and invent the time machine I reckon
  12. Jeff here's a couple southies that you may have already tried Basic Steel 40 Raglan Ave Edwardstown (08) 8297 9577 Southern Steel Suppliessouthernsteelsupplies.com.au 69/71 O'Sullivan Beach Rd Lonsdale 1300 561 178
  13. No Probs bud
  14. Mate, like I said in the last locked thread....... this is a car forum! I don't mind this kinda stuff in the 'Wasteland' section........that's what it's designed for, but a new thread like this opens doors for anything and everything. Copy and paste this into the Wasteland section please. Thread Closed.
  15. Buddy, this is a car forum. I don't mind this kinda stuff in the 'Wasteland' section........that's what it's designed for, but a new thread like this opens doors for anything and everything. Copy and paste this into the Wasteland section please. Thread Closed.
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