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Everything posted by ZCR

  1. he's well worth the wait!
  2. welcome to canberra
  3. this is a race weekend, but the race is in canberra this weekend
  4. when mellys was broken into it cost her $500 just for the door glass
  5. sweet can't wait! thanks!
  6. that's what makes it interesting!
  7. all i can say is wow, that's awesome!
  8. are you after a gtst bonnet or gtr bonnet? i have a gtst bonnet if you want to buy it i'm in canberra and the bonnet is silver
  9. he's welcome anytime and you better enter the next one!!!
  10. a massive thanks (from melly as well) to everyone that made yesterday possible! volunteers, organizers and everyone that was having fun! also a big thanks to all the photographers out there taking pics! and like everyone i can't wait until the next texi!!!
  11. saw HEAPS of skylines on the weekend... all at texi in sydney lol
  12. yeah got it all fixed up, then 6 days after getting it back it started miss firing, so new coil packs in it now and it seems fine *fingers crossed* lol no we won't, well Reece might, but I won't Cheers man, just thought i'd ask
  13. i just noticed that i'm not on the list, but i sent my form in with melissa meins' form. there are 2 forms in the same file that i emailed
  14. sorry gus, got distracted last night, i'll try and find out for you
  15. faxed a form this morning for a payment that's already been made
  16. it's nice! lol
  17. pm reece cos he has a set of R32 GTST wheels in my shed that he hasn't done anything with in i can't remember how long the tyres are not usable though, full of flat spots
  18. Paid for a mate and tried to send the form in but the email address isn't working
  19. i swear i posted yesterday saying the steak was awesome!!! good company too!
  20. *Melly* I asked him the other day and he said probably not *cranky face in reece's direction*
  21. thanks doof, will do it now EDIT: form sent and payment sent
  22. *melly* Still in Eiji + 1 Shell Pat + 1 Troy + 3 steven nerm + 1 Me n Zane Total: 14
  23. *Melly* This is booked for 15 people... As far as I know there are 14 going that have rsvp'd. Can everyone please confirm before 5:00pm Thursday... k... thanks
  24. *Melly* He actually messaged me on Friday night and said he was going out lol, maybe you just missed him Reece.....?
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