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Everything posted by POL44K

  1. yeah that would be good, i'm comin from cambelltown, anyone else from here?
  2. hell yeah thats cool, i wish my grandma would come. i'll be there for sure anythin to support this event!!!
  3. hi guys, long time no see, cause i didn't know the new thread started hahaha my bad. so whats happening? drive ins or din dins?
  4. ohhhh i was keen for the drive ins i recon we give it a miss cause i'm pretty strapped this month so i won't be makin dinner sorry.
  5. You were drivin like a grandma.... well i think we should take a vote for the new controller, i vote jay too cause jeff did
  6. Hell yeah i'm in for june, love the drive in's too bad bass hill is closed an blacktown only show one movie, stingy pricks.
  7. Leonie an i are in fo sho
  8. sorry just wanna add... I'M FINALLY AN OFFICIAL MEMBER woo hoooooo
  9. ohhhh well lets just hit livo up then, it's easier. an we can vote for dinner. i was goin to say lets eat at rashays, but theres not much parking there.. so its either subway or somethin along hoxton park road, or the catho????
  10. i've only been to the livo one. if the pro (albert) knows whats better than we'll go there
  11. i don't think we do, 3 people wanna go ice skatin. I think we better decide by the end of next week.
  12. awesome cruise an OMGWTFBBQ guys nice meetin all the new peeps an nice to put names to the faces now, sorry for the taunting but brad started it lol, all in all great fun, nice pics jay, but none of my car, too far to walk, haha. jess whats with the pics or ban??? an next month it will be colder i recon so we'll have to consider that, maybe bowlin or ice skatin as other ideas?
  13. look at brad starin at those sausages i think he's in love
  14. sweet as hope the weathers as good as it is today.
  15. oh definately won't make dinner as i said before its my dads birthday, got dinner planned at rashays.... that really sux stupid rain i was lookin forward to it oh well we'll see how it turns out, fingers crossed no rain
  16. sorry i'm a dealership mechanic i wouldn't know how to r&r an engine <------(to brad master of makin brake lines)
  17. i'm in if not workin that night... nice old skool crispy's night, i miss those days. i usually just hit the c/town one up now, much closer figjam, i'm in c/town, but won't be there at that date, unless u wanna meet at the caltex/maccas at prestons, just before the freeway?
  18. i might bring an extra special one for brad then yes i hope leonie is comin too, haha, yeah she will i'll make her.. i don't think there is anythin around thats under shelter, anyone know that area well?
  19. ok it's on i'm comin woo hoo, just have to get dad an extra special present for his birthday, lol. anyone keen on my sausages again cause i will bring more if u's want. um i will also bring 3 chairs . i think everything else is covered, an lets hope it doesn't rain, if it does i think we're a bit screwed
  20. mmmmmmmmm yummy that coleslaw was the bomb, can u leave me some just incase i don't make it
  21. Hi adam an jason, nice to meet u two, i'm paul... i'm keen for the falls thing, an i'm with jeff bunnings gets pretty packed, maybe the back of market fair, theres no one ever there, near the old servo thing... it's just down the road.... also it will be long weekend so lots of police around... an i just remembered its my dads birthday i'll get back to u jess...
  22. firstly like to say hi to the new ppl, brenton + anna, and marko r1. secondly, the go carts we're awesome except the times i spun off cause of some slow poke in the group very sore yesterday but well worth it... thirdly, i vote cruise too, kangaroo valley sounds good, but theres no where really to chill down there, is there? fourthly, mr 33, you poor bastard, i feel sorry for you, i got no room man i couldn't even pull mine out when it blew, but if u need a hand my offer still stands dude. all in all, i think this threads going pretty well. p.s another thanks to joeys folks for the great bbq
  23. pm replyed
  24. haha funny
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