I can see what you're saying.....but
Which is really more dangerous on the road, an R34 skyline with a power fc, exhaust and BOV - or
a Hyundai excel with multiple oil leaks, no brakes, and a 17yo girl doing her make-up as she's driving?
I wonder which one will get pulled over 'randomly' though...
I can see both sides to the arguments. All you can do is don't drive like a spastic, and WHEN you do get pulled over, be nice!
Just to add to the thread, I got pulled over one night around 1am driving home from my g/f's place when out of nowhere a coppa flew out of a side street (cut me off) then did a u-turn and flew up behind me to pull me over for a 'random' breath test. Never happened in my corolla that I drove for over 4 years though....