Ok, so I was riding home from work this afternoon on old torbul pt road, and it had just started to rain so luckily I was concentrating even harder than normal, when....
A f%king spastic in a semi trailer pulled out across both lanes of traffic and right in front of me as I was going around a bend. He should have been able to see me WELL before he even began to move, so he obviously WASN'T looking!
So I was doing 80km/h (the speed limit) and my choice was either a head on with the truck, or to run straight off the road. I don't know how many of you guys have been on this particular road but going off it is NOT something you want to do. Obviously I chose to run off the road, and somehow I managed to stay upright and pull it up after hitting ridges, holes, bumps and god knows what else.
After I recovered and got back to the road I noticed that the truck driver hadn't even stopped to see if I was ok....So i went after him and found him a bit further up the road. I was on the horn, giving him some not so kind hand gestures and trying to get him to pull over. No way was he going to stop.
Anyway I stopped and recorded his rego number and am off to the police station first chance I get tomorrow.
Scary stuff, and thankfully I was not in my skyline as I would have been hit without a doubt and quite possibly seriously injured.
I know there are some good truckies out there, but I swear I have not come across one yet. It will be interesting to see what the police do about it. (If anything)
Sorry to go on and on, but it was a pretty frightening thing to have happen!!