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Everything posted by adam87

  1. i emailed them again today and got one back pretty quick with an apology for the delay....
  2. yeh, no compliance for me. its personal import. im still waiting on the papers from the government. its been over a month since they last contacted me. i want to drive it at chrissy time when im back in aus. these are on the SEVS list but there wont be many coming into to aus as the turbo autos are few and far between. everythings non turbo auto or turbo manual.
  3. obviously that happened recently? personal import might be a lower priority but its been over a month since the last time they emailed me. its just a joke now. surely theyd contact me to tell me whats going on????? i did everything they wanted me to do.
  4. theres heaps of 2 door ones for sale on yahoo now but theres no 4 door. http://auctions.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?...tab_ex=commerce
  5. personal import. the last they said was if you provide us xxx document we will issue it. but still nothing from them yet
  6. sorry for the topic but i have an application with dotars at the moment and the last contact i got from them was in the end of august and iv had nothing from them since. is something going on there or are other people having the same problems?? i have emailed them this week but still no contact from them. itll be a month since i got their last contact on monday. im pretty over waiting at the moment
  7. the 500d was mentioned before. whats the difference between the 500d and 550d?
  8. there on
  9. new front(19x9 +0) wheels are on and new rear(19x9.5 +5) wheels arrived today hopefully thisll be on a boat back to aust next month
  10. i think i paid about $250aud.
  11. if you just want an easy course to do then its ok. iv done them as a couple of electives in my degree and they are the most basic units i have ever done. i did them through UNE. i dont think they will help with getting any job
  12. im in japan. the equivalent ones iv seen over here are a similar price then. i was going to see if i could use the cheaper aussie dollar to my advantage
  13. thats the picture i saw. i think it was 60000yen ish plus install. although i was going to do the install myself rather than pay someone over here to do it.
  14. wheels are stitch precious at 17x7 +28 all round. rears could easily go to a +15 i think. and 205/40/17s for $160 for the set deilivered brand new chris rogers - how much to supply a cruise crontrol kit? i looked over here but they seem pretty steep.
  15. i use these kind here in japan. just in black and not red. really easy to put on and take off. only used them once tho
  16. got the wheels on fronts sit nice flush with the guard and rears could do with 10-15mm spacers to bring them flush (maybe more) and to be lowered lots. chef- any updates with yours yet?
  17. im with mitsui and its about the same price. but iv found that if you have a friend or someone who wants something from japan worth a bit, ie wheels or something like that, i buy that here with your own yen and send it to them and then they deposit the correct amount of cash into your bank account in aust. this way you get a good rate and dont pay any bank fees for the transfer and even make a bit out of it for doing them a favour
  18. we bought an e51 about a year ago for about 800000yen from a dealer. so there probably still around that figure or a little bit less depending on trim level.. there big, i fit my 8foot surboard in the back without it coming into the drivers area at all
  19. adam87

    Alt Or Eikaiwa

    sorry for the late reply im not with a company. im with a sister city direct hire program. iv never been to takasu. i went to washigatake last year once. going to head up there a few more times this year hopefully tho. snowboarding is just practice.
  20. mine got wheels bought for it today 17x7 +28 will see how they go. might need some spacers.
  21. adam87

    Alt Or Eikaiwa

    iv never worked as an eikaiwa monkey so i cant really comment but from what ive heard i dont really want to do that after being an ALT for three years..... i would choose ALT. mainly for the much better and longer holidays!!!!!! and normal saturdays and sunday as holidays. but then in japan your normal days off dont really matter too much as everything is always open anyway. did i mention the better holidays....hahaha ALT, maybe 8 weeks to 10 weeks a year where as an eikaiwa job is normal holidays plus 10 extra that cant be taken in sequence. plus gifu gets awesome snow in winter
  22. paperwork is with the aust government at the moment. should have a decision by august some time............
  23. wow, you went for 17s. im currently bidding on some 15 inch vs-kf's but i think theyll go for more than i want to spend. will be interesting to see that size on it.
  24. have you got the wheels on yet? how do they fit? im looking at something for mine now
  25. adam87

    Living In Japan

    pretty well impossible. and the pay would be about $2000 a month, maybe 5 or 6 days a week, if you ever got a job.
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