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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. ^ This ...providing your car is +15 yrs old and you do less than nx1000km/yr. Get a quote! And every year, take 1 hour of your time to shop around!
  2. *Edit Eric the Viking has come to the rescue for Part A.
  3. Is there anyone here, who can do a video of our event tomorrow morning? Phone me on zero41621469nine Much appreciated.
  4. Don't get mad! > Get even! > Time to make a fake Great Wall! > Sell for $6969 > For group buy
  5. I don't have reasoning or proof to substantiate that; but I don't disbelieve it, especially if the cardiac problem is precipitated by diabetes 2.
  6. If a V-Spec owner was debating the 'true' worth (Re sum insured) of his vehicle with Shannon's for instance, he might be best advised to refer to that advert and report back here. Then watch the stampede! ...or listen to the sighs.
  7. Ask for a copy of his insurance policy and you'll find that the sum insured is half the asking price or less. V-Spec II NURs are lucky to be insured for that.
  8. Sorry if that's how it's interpreted. What I'm saying is that their pain has forced them to take their lives as 'the final option' akin to 'no way out' ...and that's the antithesis of selfishness.
  9. SAU.NSW'S next Tech Arvo will be held with dba. The question needs to be asked as to what markings differentiate the real from the fake!
  10. Your last statement is spot on. As a (genuine) suicide is about to take place, the sufferer feels, "This is the only way I can escape my pa-i-i-i-nn!!!"
  11. You've touched a moot point Christian about the high frequency of comedians and funny people who suffer depression or attempt suicide as well. Besides Robin Williams, other names that come to mind are Tony Hancock, Dick Emery, Bert Newton, Eric Sykes, and others if my memory serves me correctly. I think I recall Robert Culp forcing Bill Cosby to speak up about his moods too (in an interview). Seeking out professional help may be a first step; but it's a big step. And one might not have to look back. So I concur.
  12. Yes, SAUers are coming from the north as well as south. Lining up from 7-7.30 am
  13. There are still plenty of restaurant spots which means we don't have the establishment exclusive to ourselves - yet. What the restaurant manager has done for us is that tables of ten will be stationed next to the balcony overlooking the carpark of R32s. We are blessed to have SAU Founder PranK in our midst to help with presentations as will magazine editor Adrian Hodgson and sponsors in JLM and TSI.
  14. Yes thank you Anthony, Dale Nick and others... Even at my age I'm willing to take people at face value, but when things start to unravel, heightened vigilance goes through the roof.
  15. Sujith and his wife at Tyrepower. Low lip cars enter from the rear laneway. Recommended to me by SAU in 2009 actually!
  16. ^^ as stated Qisong. If you wish to broaden your spectrum of research, besides the thread "If You're Happy With Your Import, Who Brought It In?", consider this... that Sports Auto Group has been affiliated with AllImports (now renamed) and Motor Point
  17. And besides Tim's and Bobby's beauties, here's another 1 going through compliancing at JLM yesterday. Again, owned by another SAU Member I think. Hmmm, LMGT1s are yum.
  18. Another SAU Member's R32 'Wedding Car' What can one say?
  19. Well I thought that $100 for my job was a bit over the top. And it had to be cash. I can't say though what they were snig- gering about in reference to an Asian couple or the job on their Honda. Body language was all I could rely on between rattle gun bursts. Didn't sound personable.
  20. Safe driving on the way here! Mobile speed cams can be foreseen via a kerbside 1m sign a few metres before the white van that houses the camera. It says, "SPEED CAMERA... "
  21. There'll be a few at the R32 GTR 25th Anniversary Celebrations this Sat Christian Bringing your camera ? ?
  22. Because I'm Asian I presume. Three other Asian couples were there and a couple were charged $20 more for the same type of job than their (same race) mates. The last two Enkeis I assume he thought I might forget to take them. And they were the best condition ones. I'm also of the opinion that he had a mate who was short of a Nissan hexagonal wheel cap. I asked the owner of JLM today if people of such a race take advantage of Asians > the answer is one I cannot say here.
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