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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. You're correct. Eric Tang's work for PI and PG mags. just for review ^^ There's beasty stuff in Matt's car, taken by Eric Tang too. I'm not sure if they've been shown before?
  2. Are you also keeping in mind Bobby, something that can be less difficult to sell later on?
  3. Go back to your Compliancer and ask nicely! It just cannot be in our JDM cars as they're being complied. They are deemed as explosive devices. There are different diameters too.
  4. Hope you can Drew. 'Tis quite a drive for you (ACT) and Mat (from Newie) Look forward to seeing you again tho'
  5. For Members Only ...including recently joined... "SAU.NSW" and "SYRIOPS - Engineered to Perform" are putting on a Tech Arvo about... ENGINEERING CERTIFICATES Hosted very kindly for our Club by Theo Syriopoulos Day:- Saturday Date:- 10th May 2014 Time:- 2pm onwards Place:- SYRIOPS HQ 172 Belmore Rd North, Riverwood Safe Parking:- Hannans Rd or Hardy Ave Price:- No Charge at all: but there'll be a donation tin for bowel cancer australia http://www.bowelcancerfundraising.org/anneke_hennessy Food:- BBQ supplied by Theo ...and there's a Convenience Store around the corner. Space is limited to 40 Members in the Workshop and that's standing room. SAU Exec Member Mat aka 34GeeTeeTee will have his car on the floor as our inspection dummy. Mat has supplied Theo with information about his car Re: Make, Model, DOM and modification list. Topics Covered on the day include... * SYRIOPS and its Function * About the VSCCS * Modifications and their implications * Engineering Certificates * Compliance Certificates * Defect Clearing * How to negotiate with Insurance Companies with an Engineering Certificate in hand * How to negotiate with NSW Police as they inspect one's car So mark your calendars guys and post up your intent! Give us Execs plenty of notice should you need to cancel. 1) 34GeeTeeTee (E) 2) Terry_GT-R34 (E) 3) MrFijiGold (M) 4) levinboy (E) 5) Udi (M) 6) DekA (M) 7) Redline_GTR (M) 8) Owens (M) 9) Pezhead (T) 10) TREGTR (M) 11) crashdown (E) 12) RiseofBrutality (M) 13) ianjb (M) 14) God_speed (M) 15) sammi_d (M) 16) Calsonic14U (M) 17) MR33YO (M) 18) Victory (M) 19) Clinton (M) 20) DC33VN (M) 21) stagea pete (M) 22) luke gtr (E) 23) Aqua (M) 24) Aussie_Delivered_R32_GTR (M) 25) kila32 (M) 26) GoldZilla (VP) 27) BakemonoRicer (M) 28) Moelders (M) 29) Daleo (E) 30) 533 RYC (M) 31) RMBLBE (M) 32) twotwisted (M) 33) GOD12A (M) 34) Edifier (M) 35) Aggroman (VP) 36) StageIan (M) 37) MrStabby (M) 38) 39) Peterj (M pending) 40) magellows (M pending) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reserve List 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) * SAU.NSW Club accepts no responsibility for advice or interpretation of advice given in relation to workshop tech days ** If you a Member has contracted flu, it is better that you cancel for the sake of others
  6. Nice Milan! All of them nice! And you also found out lately that the two Nurs were both picked up from Canberra!
  7. I've got no idea if one's local fed MP is a help or a hindrance The length of a piece of string Q is,"How long does one wait until one jumps up & down?" I gather that some RAWS/DOTARS staff may have been hauled across for legislation purposes. Grrrrr
  8. Need a buyer for your N1 Bobby?
  9. Hehe... Wait until a guy forgets to take the pink one off > gets ridiculed by his mates that night!
  10. Psychiatric Institution near you Daniel?
  11. Thank you for those motion shots Ian
  12. Once bitten - twice shy. Carbon Car Systems is our friend.
  13. Hiya, I have a business idea & it won't require much venture capital at all. A partnership is what I'm thinking of. Reading, writing and speech fluency is essential. If you're Korean Aussie and are interested, PM me please. Here's a taste... Cheers, Terry
  14. Good to meet up Brennan, Yes, Leura shopping centre can be quite an obstacle course. I knew where the next rendezvous point was (so I was determined not to lose you); but it'd be better if we ALL had maps. We had a little convoy of 4 Milan took some lovely pics eh?
  15. Great photos Milan! I've sent you a PM Genelle: you can reply in kind. As you know, SAU runs these with distinct differences, so selectivity might be your motto huh?
  16. On behalf of SAU Chris, thanks very much for the roll of stickers to be used as name badges at future Tech Days!!!
  17. Did you ask Haynes Manuals at Padstow NSW? And I wonder what Pick n Pay Less does with old manuals?
  18. Oh yes, whenever you sell a car, do not leave "dog smell" in it!
  19. ianjb can echo Nick's merging story!
  20. The bad weather held off. Ribs were just fine. F1 was disappointing for 1 Aussie in particular.
  21. Some asians can't park very well... But they do make good cams/cars
  22. With Official SAU Cruises we use maps, briefings and insurance coverage by CAMs. Stay tuned for a few this year. Meanwhile, more pics...
  23. At Truck Stop... I enjoyed meeting up with people old and new. It was a pleasure to serve; albeit at the last minute...
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