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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. Been dry here in lower mountains for some hours I'd say.
  2. Thank you PJ Great pics too to reflect how every attendee is valued! Much!
  3. Most Kakis are loud.
  4. Candidiasis Symptoms:- If you have 4 or more of the following, I'd attend to it. * bloated tummy * wind * constipation or loose motions * changes in your finger or toe nails * urgency to urinate * foggy thinking > affecting short term memory * blocked sinuses * rashes that come and go, especially in perspiration spots * crotch itch * halitosis * post-viral cough * post-nasal drip or catarrh
  5. You know what the weather does when you girls detail your cars! And yet you still insist! Have you not eaten pizza outta tha box? Now, I expect youz both to get all dirty with rib sauce!
  6. True to your word Brett
  7. Yes Ella and Emily at the Monkey Bar will make sure that we're well catered for, including... ...& especially F1
  8. In that case Ryan my 8MR is up f/s at $10K more than what I paid for it Yes it's a pity they couldn't take the risks that Carlos Ghosn did! Renault is being aggressive atm too. Now it'll be interesting what Toyota and Subaru will do pursuant to the 86 and BRZ. Honda IMHO has gone down the safe but wrong track! Currently they're paying for it.
  9. Weather Reports Sunday :- Penrith - showers clearing. 26. Katoomba - showers clearing. 20.
  10. Lol I think if ribs are served without delay and we arrive on time > we go to see F1 How big is the screen James (at Monkey Bar)?
  11. If there's any rib-throwing, you instigated it! I order a full rack for extra ammo...
  12. Ta Dan and Richard How does one measure correct mm size?
  13. I'm not registered on eBay. If you can grab me one too Dan I'm happy to pay extra postage. Grateful Terry
  14. This.Tis already hard to talk whilst eating ribs but.. I can still look n listen
  15. That's reasonable for your age group. Read the PDS carefully eh?
  16. The only sort of reliable test is a "Dark Field Micro" test at some science labs. Cytotoxic tests via Dr > pathology are fraught with too many false +ves and false -ves. In the clinic I employ a Dr William Crooke Questionnaire. Is that on the net perhaps? If not I'll mail you one.
  17. Stage 1:- Kill back Candida albicans from system with a) Pau D'Arco say 3 a day & b) Neem 500mg caps also 3 a day This kills it systemically Stage 2:- Starve out the Candida with an anti-Candida diet (on web) This stops any backlash Stage 3:- Strong Probiotic a week after starting Stages 1 & 2 This assists digestion and cleans it out from your upper GI tract Stage 4:- Echinacea/Garlic combo This pushes the Candida down through the large intestine to the bowel. Stages 1 & 2 should have a +ve effect by 1 week
  18. Absolutely! One of my patients was a curator of a NZ Zoo. When I asked him about their penchant for rubber windscreen wipers, he told me that when they're really bored they'll go for tyre walls too! Arguably the most intelligent of all parrots! Our little fellah... * loves car rides * on night drives, he can tell when we're 3 turns from home > chirps * on night drives, he chirps when the lights go green * he goes back to his cage on day drives as we pull into the driveway * has a large vocabulary * whistles when I come in the front door * wolf whistles when on top of the shower screen and the naked person enters the shower * toilet trained before coming out * goes to the toaster when he wants "toasty toast" etc.....
  19. Sydneyites... It was a PITA to get all the swirls out of the black paint > Eugene did it. Selection of grade of Menzerna polish > Optima sealant (standing overnight to set) > Canauba wax = bit of an art!
  20. Chemist Warehouse has a nurse on deck at each place apparently, to give flu jabs at $14 - no Rx required.
  21. I can't get over how intelligent parakeets & parrots are! Great picture BTW.
  22. Masterful
  23. Sure, Eugene or on SAU he's known as JDM Performance. ...has runs on the board with plenty of car owners in car magazines swearing by him. The beauty is: he isn't just good at what he does, he loves doing it!
  24. Aah but your wheels don't depreciate Adam
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