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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. Great work by the MotorActive team too Andy! And to include SAU.NSW with a special-deal-package is most gracious of you!!!!
  2. +1 ....as Jason said
  3. Sometimes when there are two people, they can be a 'bad' influence on each other! ...sometimes the other 'apples' go 'bad' too...
  4. Ian put me up to it
  5. ...and no-one with a 90mm exhaust will want to miss that!!
  6. And you guys who've not driven Macquarie Pass and Jamberoo Mtn Rd before, what's your rating or comments? Mac Pass UP = ...../10 Mac Pass DOWN = ...../10 Jamberoo Mtn UP = ...../10 (if you've done it) Jamberoo Mtn DOWN = ...../10 (if you've done it) Suggestions... * Dawn run? * Night run? * Up Jamberoo Mtn Rd? * Up Kangaroo Valley Rd? * Combo?
  7. Great Ian!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So how do you guys feel about a shooter and videographer being stationed at the same hairpin in the future? The vid can grab some sound!!!
  8. I'm old enough to remember using a grease gun with all the flexible bits to get to those out-of-the-way grease nipples - lol
  9. What was really scary yesterday was that whilst waiting (in lane 1) at a red light on Orange Grove Rd, just 200m up from the Liverpool Meet Pt, this woman came racing down through the same red light at about 80 clicks (in lane 2). She had to stop behind traffic at the next lights as we were about to turn left to KKs. She appeared to be talking on her mobile. Dave said, "We nearly witnessed a death!"
  10. I understand your predicament as a friend of mine on Supra Forums was interested too.
  11. The 4th cap might be available through Darron at Just Jap. He has a box of caps and might have a matching one to sell.
  12. Heat gun or dental floss or fishing line for removal. Just Jap or eBay for purchase Welcome to Skylines Aust Zavia
  13. And if Dale or Nick want to run it, this can be a SAU Cruise with CAMs Insurance. As Nick ran this, like a charismatic congregation!
  14. "stagea Pete" has applied for Membership just yesterday as part of a Cruise to Bowral. PM him too... ...about bringing this.
  15. FYP Paul But you'll rectify things next time eh?
  16. Abouts time this page showed some class 'er ass ^^^ At a hairpin yesterday...
  17. No joining fee required Russell. Thank you for your honesty. 'Tis just called a prenatal mistake PM Shell
  18. Good stuff!
  19. Since you're in NSW Peter... Haynes Manuals 63 Fairford Rd Padstow Ph: 87131400 If they don't have one Peter, you can come up and take pics off mine.
  20. Very nice indeed Tim. I should have thought of the obvious! > pre-nap under a tree - palm tree no less. That reminds me of the time that Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were lying on the ground, gazing at the stars... Sherlock: "Dr Watson, what a sight that is!" Dr Watson: "Yes indeed Mr Holmes!" Sherlock: "But can you see what is wrong up there?" Dr Holmes: "Other than the occasional meteorite, there seems to be nothing unusual." Sherlock: "But what about the fact that someone's nicked our tent!!!" My tool box was obtained from a hock shop > probably a bit more scratched up than yours, but functional art, all the same!
  21. We hope Enzo enjoyed the day!!! More photographers > more photographs to come... I'm sure!
  22. At the Winery... Brian's haunt
  23. Aggro-Dave back on the job!!! That yellow is bright!
  24. This was a great spot - it's just the photographer Oh Dear! Sorry Folks!
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