I have 3 points to make... 1) I've been a club person through and through. Even though this event is not a SAU event, I've decided that I shall attend. My presence has been cemented by the fact that my passenger will be signing up for Membership on the night. Craig has been to one event before. It was an official SAU cruise up Putty Road. He was impressed by the way we run things > so out of this storm, I'm proud to announce that we'll have a new Member. 2) Existing Members who attend this; most of them I've come to know over the years. Ever since Eugene Chan (JDM Performance) proposed that he and I organise the 10th Anniversary of R34 GTR, we've felt privileged to have created a catalyst that would help pockets of people with same model cars to get to know one another. We who own R34 GTRs are just one of those pockets. Yes Eugene will bring his Midnight Purple III V-Spec out for this to resume some relationships he created when he started that 10th Anniv Event 4 years ago. Eugene and I are also aware that the R34 GTR owners we've come to know are mature enough to make their own decision to come to this event of Bobby's or not despite any 'RPGs' being launched at it. 3) Most of us R34 GTR owners don't know Bobby that well - me included. We've become aware of what he owns. We're certainly aware of what he manages. But we are not drawn to this event by these things. We're all man enough to know that if there is enough knowledge shared about our cars throughout the night and if resumed/new relationships can be forged constructively, there may be even another similar meetup sometime in the future. If none of the above are fulfilled, well it's up to each owner to decide if he/she should ever attend anything like this again. Hmmm, I wonder if Bobbyr34 will become a new SAU Member - perhaps it's time to make him welcome!
I think I've made my point(s).