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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. I can now do a swap with my poster for yours and $1 my way. Alternatively, you can buy mine for $21 - but I still need the whereabouts of the enclosed car trailer before we can ratify this deal. Many thanks...
  2. Daniel, I have just one question for you. What would you do differently if you were setting out to inspect a used car (at least 10 yrs old) today with the view of purchasing it? Btw welcome to Skylines Aust
  3. Now it appears that there's a new Mine's front pipe f/s too. Both Blitz' dump pipes & Spring&Water's front pipe here in Sydney > What a pair! > What a saving!
  4. Free - Filing Cabinet too! 3-drawer
  5. I'll be back in the Penrith Clinic again tomorrow and measure it.
  6. Yeah pretty quiet Not a Skyline in sight...
  7. So many thanks Daniel & your staff in Kim, Dave, David, Colin and one other for your time
  8. You'll make it F3 > Pennant Hills Rd > M2 > Sunnyholt Rd > Third Avenue
  9. Very nice Sean! One weapon for impaling and... Another for blunt force trauma... Through the eyes of the naive!
  10. Yes that's him Nick. One thing I found fascinating about Eugene's attention to detail is the way he goes over all metal panels with his paint thickness gauge to see... a) if there's been panel repair and b) how much paint he has to work with. On the Bayside Blue GT-R, there was a consistent 320 microns. On the Pearl Black GT-R, there was a consistent 180 microns. On the Mica Grey EVO, there was a consistent 120 microns except for the front left guard which was about 200. The omission of any repair on the LF on the auction sheet I guess, is something to consider about Grade Validity. On the Polar White N1, Eugene only had about 80 microns to play with - *gulp Polish was devoid of cutting compund. It could have been so easy to cut through the paint...
  11. Eating peas, baked beans and cabbage should be held off until AFTER reaching the destination.
  12. Lol > I can relate...
  13. Correct! Dec/Jan are hard months to sell & Feb isn't much better.
  14. You mean David that "your other half is not easily removed"??? But we thought you liked her! Everybody liked her!!!
  15. That looks lovely! Tell us more about what led up to the painting
  16. Lasted just 36 minutes in the wee hours of the morning > I'm impressed
  17. Even in other car forums people are displaying that shot of PW next to his BsB R34.
  18. I'm just stoked for you guys travelling from afar that we can arrange this event on a Fri night. And in Feb, it'll be on a Sat arvo - yay!
  19. Hehe... Next one will be on a Saturday Arvo > called a Tech Arvo!
  20. Congratulations on Nathan, Joey and Andrew gaining their Memberships or having them ratified! Welcome!
  21. A lot ot dirt came off my daily - Maxima - with FW1 but yes, swirls abound.
  22. He was on a charity run for Philippine victims of Hurricane Haiyan wasn't he?
  23. Before:- My EVO had a few scratches here and there + particulate matter + swirl marks despite a Grade 4.5 in Osaka This is how the car appeared before Eugene got to it on a Sat morning. After:- By Sun afternoon after being picked up from Hornsby Station, my car looked like this... History:- Eugene has had many wraps before with cars that he's detailed in HPI, Zoom and PG magazines; but personally, he did wonders with a car that was Grade 3.5 > Best Concours at the R34 GT-R 10th Anniversay and Daily Telegraph Cover Story. Before:- Eugene knew he had a job and a half, to do with this... After:- And it ended up like this... Eugene is available to anyone in the Sydney area on 0421141538 but it's best to book well ahead. Thanks Eug.
  24. Might watch #1 tonight Just bought a set from Cash Conv. Never had the DVDs before.
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