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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. When I was in my 20s, what with the presence of XY HO, GTR XU1, Lotus Europa or better still Elan, Alfetta GTV which were the envy of all to own; one would say, "I'm going to save up for one of those". Nowadays Marcus, it's as high as 5% of the masses saying (whilst no-one were watching), "Which one am I going to take?"
  2. You see a few crashed specimens don't you Brian? Just like an NTSB officer (in the US) roaming around an air crash, I suppose you see some catastrophic failures in chassis integrity and not just tyres/bad maintenance?
  3. Is it 7 days since you bought it? You said, "That same night...", so I'm thinking you are entitled to a refund by law. We have a NSW list of Traffic Lawyers thread if you're in NSW, but then... ...you must act straight away
  4. JapLink's number is 9716.0857 Their dent remover is Hau (who was going to retire). He has done work for many dealers - that others just shake their heads. Hope yours is going to be OK without roof-support-damage.
  5. Genelle! If you can get these ^ ^ ^ for me, I'll get you a set of Buddy P1 Caps for free!
  6. Caps paid. Freight paid.
  7. If the paint isn't scratched up or creased, the dent remover that's used by JapLink Haberfield might be able to get that out. Just call in with the car and then book it in if the prognosis is good.
  8. ^ ^ ^ I've PM'd J. So I'm just checking to see if his interest is still maintained. Cheers,...
  9. Lay-By update "J" 10 months to go
  10. You've just reminded me... Chef never got me my Chevy badge either!
  11. Well I never said that mothers-in-law were dumb But lazy + dumb would I admit, be a bad combo
  12. Matt will be in touch with you today about this Chris I think.
  13. Put 1x chip, 1x scrape and 1x scratch on your mother-in-law's car when she ain't lookin' ...then practise with a brush, a cotton bud and a toothpick when she is. She'll think the world of you and become convinced that you're not lazy after all.
  14. PM God_speed. He's probably still after one
  15. I've posted in OzFoz for you but I'd stick a proper thread in Rexnet, Supra, EVO, HSV, and FPV forums. Even in the Mini Car Club, that'd be cute - lol Ford and Holden guys hate each other so much > you can say on the Holden forum, "Stick this number plate in the face of your 'friendly' Ford rival...." ...and vice versa I even saw a Falcon displaying, "IH8HSV" on the M4; and "KEEPUP" is so much better!!!!!!!!!!!! lol > tell us here on SAU what happens!!!
  16. Do you have a lift J? Pat? Is 1.20 still early enough to do Bells? What's the ideal time to go?
  17. Firstly shake it up properly. I don't mind being corrected by an experienced painter, but depending on whether you're touching up a chip, a scrape or a scratch; my applicators can vary from a minute artist's camel hair brush to a cotton bud to a toothpick. The brush on the Touch Up Paint canister isn't always the best applicator. The surface should be clean and dry. With a chip for instance, I steady my hand by placing the base of the hand on the panel as a brace and then put an appropriate sized drop on the chip and very slightly overfill the hole. When it dries, the paint settles to become more or less level. I'll let someone else describe the sanding and application of clear.
  18. I SMS'd
  19. QFT My Foz suffers at the expense of my GTR tho' ...gulp
  20. PM'd you Jez about Link as well. And I'll let you know when my new plenum is installed > hope to see you soon.
  21. These would have an appeal across other car forums - not just this one. So you've advertised there?
  22. You do realise don't you Genelle that if you were to start your own thread about Buddy Club P1 Centre Caps, you as a girl will attract many more "Views" that this old codger? Your thread can go like this... "Genelle Needs Buddy" Post #1 > Buddy Club P1 Centre Caps needed desperately by frustrated woman Genelle... lol
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