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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. PM "Aggroman" for exact copy of Nismo configuration to be inserted in your own housing.
  2. The exact configuration of Nismo LEDs can be housed in your existing R34 cluster for an extremely reasonable price through Aggroman. I'd PM him if you want the exact Nismo look
  3. So that's why our insurance premiums go north eh? Subsequently over the past two years, two insurance companies no longer cover grey imports.
  4. ^^^ That's good. Some things can't be measured in $ & c Which town are you residing in?
  5. ^^^ They're actually quite nice there until something comes up eg warranty issues get put into the 'too hard box'
  6. Hi Mitch, An active young male experiencing the cut and thrust of life may benefit from a high quality B Complex/Multi with Selenium (which is a good antioxidant that reduces lactic acid and muscle soreness). Someone mentioned earlier in this thread "Tresos B with Selenium" that it's one of the best. I agree.
  7. Thanks, I'll accept that; but the same hose in Pic 3 seems to be emitting better flow (notwithstanding that the pressure + the nozzle position are the same). Overkill? In this instance, you're probably right. Ta.
  8. I didn't respond to those in the Ultivite thread who posted with "no need for vitamins if your diet is good". I know that my response will be better served here when I say that... * those who believe that adage, "We are what we eat" have NFI !!! * the fact is, "we are what we manufacture (or don't) - as well as what we eat, swallow, inhale, absorb and drink". * our genes also help determine when our 'Use By' date is up Example A:- If you have a missus who expects a baby, she'll be told to take Iron and Folic Acid. Folic Acid is Vitamin M. So to those who think vitamins are crap, and tell your missus there's no need to take vitamins, your baby risks (in the womb) developing Spina Bifida Example B:- Doctors - especially some psychiatrists - who'd rather opt for natural products for their Bipolar Depression patients may prescribe Vitamin B12 and stay off Gluten foods and alcohol. Example C:- Dudes who think they're bulletproof and think they'll bounce back after ingesting anything from hydro-Pot, methamphetamine, Acid, Smack etc do experience in fact a lovely spike (albeit temporarily) in up to 5 endorphins but soon after it, may default into Phobic Anxiety, Passive-Aggressive Mood Disorder, Clinical Depression, Schizophrenia etc Example D:- Vitamin B3 Complex can help with GLA in Evening Primrose Oil to produce Prostaglandin E1 and then prevent one type of Premenstrual Syndrome. It can be combined with l-Tryptophan amino acid and produce Serotonin, thus removing the need to take much if at all, SSRI antidepressants, so in many circumstances, it can prevent Anxiety-Depression. It can also be taken each day with oats (with cholestyramine) to prevent Hyperlipidaemia (ie high LDL cholesterol). It can be used with Chromium mineral to prevent Hypoglycemia > Diabetes. Example E:- Vitamin B6 in conjunction with zinc can prevent another type of Premenstrual Syndrome. Example F:- Vitamin C along with isoflavones, bioflavonoids and zinc can protect one's immune system from colds. It's even used along with anti-AIDS drugs to prevent HIV from going rogue Example G:- Vitamin U in laetrile (found in cabbage, apple seeds and apricot kernels) can prevent up to 15 types of cancer. This was taken off the market in 1982 by the Dept of Health due to pressure by a multinational drug company. Example H:- Ever seen the film "Lorenzo's Oil" about little Lorenzo who had a genetic flaw (as we all do), but his life was about to be cut short; until his Dad researched how to manufacture (via several mistakes) a supplement of oil that kept him alive for another 30 years. No-one can tell me that supplements and vitamins don't work! To the dude who said there was no research that they do, Linus Pauling won the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work on Vitamin C, and right up till to-day, there are people like Dr Robert Buist here in Aust. who have many journals about vitamins/supplements their dosages, when they work and when they don't depending on how they're taken. Buist has a Ph.D in Biochemistry - not a GP who has NFI (and who was fed vertical-thinking baloney at Uni like I was in Pharmacy). Nowadays, I think outside the square.
  9. ^ ^ ^ Very plausible explanation that should & would satisfy any insurance company if it queried a future claim via an investigator interview.
  10. A problem has arisen between an SAUer and CCS' 2IC. Obviously a communication breakdown is one thing > there may be more - but I hope not. Just have to get to the bottom of this.
  11. Yes, there's a tight bond in times of adversity eh, even though rivalry is the name of the game. Thanks for the Pics. PS Pic 4:- Those red hoses need reinforcement in the walls, since they kink badly
  12. No-one seriously hurt I trust. Glad the fire didn't start during the race. Someone at the celebratory dinner has got to say, "Pass da pasta Pastor" From best previous performance of 8th > 1st now is great news & great driving.
  13. If I do make this, it'll be unannounced I'm afraid, because... * my Camden Airport flight instructor will have collapsed at the controls > my trusty GPS on my iPhone will guide me to (programmed) Sutton Rd > since I'm already aware that there will be only one car on 'the hill climb/circuit' at the time > and that's the place, in my final moments, I can crash amongst friends - 'touch-tarmac' Please have a great time guys > weather is looking good!
  14. Feedback is appreciated Dan The results are stunning and yet don't quite reflect the experience of the expert 'er contortionist. I presume your were informed of what to clean the windows with and what not to use? Hope you enjoyed the remainder of the SAU/TSI Tech Night too!
  15. I like you A, and Marko and other SAUers feel so sorry for those who save so long and hard for their dream car only to be duped by George (the odo-adjuster) and others of his kind. Unless the wise ones who have frequented SAU forums and inspected with scrutiny any grey imports anywhere, the general public continue to be treated like mushrooms.
  16. BsB VS1 would be also a ummm; how can I say it???... Why have they attracted attention from ACA/FT? Why have 2 of their sales staff not been paid commissions for...?
  17. Ahem.... Revival with question marks about a black R34 GTR VS2 Nur with a low 22***kms Yeah right
  18. I said this to Ed too, but there's a guy here in Sydney looking at a black VS2 Nur. I told him he should consider your two cars Huy (- Ed's and yours)
  19. I've PM'd about a guy in Sydney who's considering a dealer VS2 Nur with a dodgy odo reading. He approached me so Ive put him onto you. FYI the dealer price is more than yours.
  20. Notice the corporate name NISSAN on the tower? And how was the 1600 modelled on the BMW? ^^^ It had a reinforced firewall, that should the car suffer a head-on, the engine block was designed like the bimmer to slide underneath It had independent trailing arm rear suspension similar to the VW, but 16mm rear sway bar like the BMW. BMW added an extra 2mm thickness in 1972 on their E12 series.
  21. Well I guess owners will pay particular attention to the fine print on the Policy and PDS Jon. And after an absence of tremors, how does a single 'hit' grab you? Unnerving?
  22. On the 27th, can't wait to see Stang axle tramp on tha huge screen ...and check out the chick driving the green VW
  23. Good to hear Bob. Does the replacement cluster odometer have similar Kms as the original?
  24. Hi Longz, Yes with NRMA you are given the choice of their repairer or yours. T Good to hear from you...
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