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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. Much appreciated! Nice of Nissan to still have them...
  2. So on your way to Blacktown your 'odo' "was flying" up to 6000rpm? jk Glad it's sorted Colin. And yes, you might as well "confess" right here! Leave it to us as to whether or not you receive absolution for wasting 2 mins of our lives! lol
  3. PM you Dan, because the mob only have 1 left. BTW guys, exactly when did that badge come out? What model? I understand how it might best 'dead centre' on the BCNR33
  4. The heat from Hivita Stress and it's Nicotinic Acid (B3) is due to a vasodilation effect where extra blood flows into the capillaries of the skin (and transports more oxygen there).
  5. Many thanks guys. > Offset to the passenger side it shall be
  6. Thanks for that ^^^ too. I wondered about an offset. What do others think?
  7. If there was any thought that alluded to the fact that I put this on through vanity or individuality, I think on reflection that there's a little bit of truth in that; the reason being that if this badge had persisted over the decades, I'd probably prefer the new one hehe... The more I look at it though, the more aggressive the front looks - now that's a rationalisation
  8. They only had a very limited run on these eh?
  9. Many thanks Justin > I thought I'd get a Genuine Nissan Badge that matched my age - Lol
  10. The one you've reset is the tripmeter. That's the one that's going crazy Does the odometer match it as you're going along? And welcome to friendly SAU!
  11. I figured that I could improve the perception of width a little bit by using the 'old school' grille badge. Anyway I think it works...
  12. Just wondering what other tools are supposed to occupy those spaces in the boot compartment? These are my Nissan tools but there are other spaces next to the pliers - and for what? I think what's supplied might vary from car to car, but am I missing something?
  13. We now have a surrogate manager ^^^
  14. Emailed about two items - so thanks! Tez
  15. Sydney To do list... * Sydney Harbour with walk on foreshore along Circular Quay and Opera House + Red Tourist Bus to Bondi Beach * Blue Mountains for a day by getting out of train at Wentworth Falls > walk south along Falls Rd to lookout > National Pass Walk (circular) 2 days for the above are a must!
  16. That's true... Capturing the right lighting and angle takes a bit of patience - although these are satin. At a slightly different angle, the spoke detail gets lost.
  17. #51 is still a respectable choice ...but tha money stays in my pocket ...at least till test drive on SAU Texi Day lol
  18. Sorry dude, I'd be dragged off on suspicion of paedophilia!
  19. ...might catch tinea
  20. But didn't Paul Newman and Robert Redford get rich from the railways?
  21. This "forced sale before divorce settlement" business reminds me of a story that occurred here in Sydney. The man facing a similar dilemma sold his highly modified blue R32 GTR to his mate for a paltry sum as an act of 'safekeeping'. After the divorce settlement went through, his mate 'sold' it back again for the same measly sum. It wouldn't be the first time of course! Tis great to have an ongoing good relationship between buyer and seller though eh?
  22. All paid up SAU NSW Members get a loan of our crane for free Welcome to SAU
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