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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. Sure Vik, Peter's No 0416.243098 7/179 Woodpark Rd Smithfield He may get banked up but he's very precise Costs are good and fair
  2. No need to cut any wires. Talk to Chris above. If your new key is just a blank, copy it first before its programmed. And take it to a locksmith who can punch in the code from your primary key onto the computer. That way you'll end up with a proper original rather than the edges possibly becoming a worn copy. Then see Chris above
  3. 'twas fortunate that you weren't going 100Km/Hr especially with the wheel on the front. Good on you for spotting it! Many wouldn't have.
  4. I think I saw this car being sold privately some years ago at Penrith. My viewing lasted 5 minutes > 2 minutes on the car + the fact that their watchdog wasn't so much keeping people out: the last 3 minutes was about him keeping me in.
  5. Hiya Vik, The NACA duct on V-Spec II cars can develop cracks in the coat too. Have you talked to Peter at Boyformaero about this yet?
  6. + rooftop aerial, clarion head unit, rear lights and wiring? Anything else?
  7. ^^^ Splendid!.... ...except for you know what *Edit: Oh yes, you did say background didn't you Pat.
  8. None of us here that are half decent would consider insurance fraud. I just know the mind of one insurance investigator who gets called in from time to time by AAMI et al
  9. ...am not going to help if stuck in mud.
  10. I happy donate to... Royal Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Anna-mals
  11. Hooker Muffler packed n posted today A. Payment anticipated. Item #2 = Hooker 3.5" Straight Thru now SOLD
  12. Thanks Bradlee for your reply. PM'd you for just a few answers before proceeding. Thanks too Marcus. I'll see what Bradlee can do first. But I appreciate your help as always!
  13. An insurance assessor will wonder if the car was F/S prior to its theft. ...just joining some paranoia dots.
  14. These GTCs will look ideal for Jaimi's MPII > I'll try and contact him...
  15. No need to be glib Hanaldo. I too have only had 1 flu. Taps in Public toilets have more viruses/bacteria than in most workplaces > thus use toilet paper. But lots of Public toilets are being designed in such a way as to walk around partitions rather than have to use door handles. After shaking hands, especially in Flu season, it's common sense to at least wipe that hand on your dacks in a covert way. Uncleanliness Cases in point = teachers getting colds off kids during term; flu pandemic after WWI killed millions; confined areas like aircraft cabins; and lastly, Florence Nightingale had to be a super hardass to get the hospital staff to clean from top to bottom. It's always laborious if one isn't used to minimising proximity exposure. If its habitual to practise hygiene, not getting a cold or flu is quite easy (unless of course you're in hospital and run the risk of Staph. Aureus or Clostridium Difficile). Oh yes, one more thing about contagions; Canterbury Rugby League players bombed out the year following a Premiership due to the mildly contagious Glandular fever. They went down like flies. One doesn't have to be obsessive - just aware. I've seen loved ones kissing their sick friend/relative in an isolation ward after washing their hands + bringing in indoor pot plants with fertiliser. My immunologist squash friend guessed right > Herpes in the 1st instance and possible Legionnaire's in the 2nd. Well at least they washed their hands lol
  16. For a BNR34, I'd like to buy a Nismo Oil Separator with all doodads pls PM me or eMail [email protected] Ta
  17. No probs sending the muffler to you A Need addy
  18. If the said car was formerly registered as "2 HYPO" and was being prepped on the south side of Parramatta Rd, there's much conversation that could take place about that car. If it isn't that car, there is nothing I can add to this thread. It's just that one person from SAU pm'd me after test driving it & said it didn't seem to drive straight. Another SAU member pm'd me on the same day & I told him what to check for. Meanwhile, I do hope that the car is good & that the owner bought it with his eyes 'open' - notwithstanding that there's a nice black VS2 Nur in WA with an asking price substantially higher.
  19. Thanks for meeting at Penrith to-day "W" Item #6 = Bonnet Struts now TAKEN
  20. Just scroll down to the Tasmania sub forum and search around there. Hope you get help soon. If you can get onto someone who's experienced with our cars in Launceston, it'll be a shorter drive than to H
  21. New Hooker muffler reserved for "zebra" I'll PM with details later tonight So Item #2 is off the market.
  22. Yeah there's no useful antibiotic. Good advice above too Birds. They say that if you do get colds in autumn, it's best to get your immune system and fitness up to scratch before winter viruses hit, lest you get knocked down again. I haven't had a flu since 1982, so I'm just spruiking a journal comment.
  23. Yes I heard about it this morning. To go for that at the risk of injuring themselves or the owners is brazen lunacy ...but then if there was a buyer for its parts, I wonder if the money exchanged goes straight into drugs. Being hooked on drugs makes the addict single-minded.
  24. Feel free to comment. I know that this thread might be of better use in winter, but I decided to devote half of the format into prevention - not just cure. The following is just commonsense Prevention * Wash hands after shaking hands (- only 30% of USA men wash their hands after going to the bathroom) * Wash hands after holding public railings (- escalators too) * Clean hands in public toilets by using toilet paper rather than using taps * Use a clean towel to wipe eyes whilst at the gym (virus can enter through eyes). Assume gym equipment to be dirty > wash * Press pedestrian buttons at the lights with a key (- girls use elbows) * Exhale if someone around you in a confined space (like train or bus) is sneezing or coughing Cure (and speed is essential here) * Shower with the water as hot as possible on the back of your neck for a few seconds before finishing * See if you can run it off * If your finger nails have white flecks or you have cracked lips, get a zinc supplement quick * See an acupuncturist * Vitamin C up to 5000mg per day in divided doses * Echinacea and Garlic tablets Remember, a Cold or Flu can bring the fittest man down within two days.
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