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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. If in an 'at fault' accident I presume the insurance company will pull out of any obligation to pay if the policy conditions allow it to do so?
  2. 'Tis remarkable what some people can do when they put their minds and skills together (Hope "V2" wasn't named after the rocket of WWII)
  3. Lol Tremendous work Matt. Word's leaking out how great these are.
  4. Transactions with Powerplay supposedly by email only now yes. I think in May one person squeaked something through & some others got nowhere.
  5. 1) Xtreme Motorsports' lease is being terminated... yet the company is still trading; for how long I don't yet know. No sign of closing or relocation in this; http://www.xtrememotorsports.com.au/ 2) Powerplay Imports Sydney Shopfront is displaying "For Lease" Google "powerplayimports sydney" and then click on "Is this accurate?" > a box will appear "Report a problem" with 5 options So I'd settle affairs with either of the above right now, before it's too late.
  6. Two would look so much better than one. Gorgeous they are!
  7. Look up Gus how many cancers that melatonin can prevent or improve on! Yes the most common known usage is to help circadian rhythms of sleep and prevent jet lag; but there's so much more... Get a personal account with Golden Glow and order Blue Roc Melatonin 5mg Sublingual @ $19/90 lozenges Ph: 1800.773.677 In your daily diet, get some "apricot kernels" from an Asian Grocery shop. They look like almond kernels - but they are not the same. They must be "apricot kernels" and have up to 10/day. They are cheap. They contain Vit B17 or Laetrile which helps to prevent cancer in a broad spectrum fashion. Hunza people live very long lives with exceedingly low rates of cancer - and part of their diet is eating the apricot kernels from the apricots they export. Hope this helps...
  8. ^ ^ ^ reasonable Q... Salmon, Mackerel and Sardines are source of Omega-3 Needs to be eaten twice a week+ to be useful Shark and Swordfish are also good sources - but only if you don't mind consuming mercury!
  9. Mega-N1 apparently, but I didn't know about "Premium" type "P" There must be some sort of packing material inside that cannon - surely. Yes it comes with a Restrictor/Silencer "B". I can see myself lined up with other cars at a Defect St'n and here's Terry ramming the silencer up its ass It looks as if it's never been fitted before - tight fit.
  10. I don't know much about this drug, so correct me if I'm wrong... 1) it can create a matrix of collagen within the heart wall which makes it stiffer rather than stronger? 2) it can reduce virility over time? 3) there's an aftermarket supply where this drug can end up as a diluted form and therefore not as effective? I'm not sure about withdrawal I'm afraid or what damage it might do to the liver as well as heart over time.
  11. Organisers (if you'd like to be one), our meeting is definitely on this Sunday at Top Secret Imports HQ at 1.30pm - Forge St Blacktown. Prior to that, we're having a 12.30 lunch at Maccas Kings Park - up the road a bit. We're open to any input - and I'm really looking forward to an article purely based on a whole raft of Stageas in "Performance Imports" Did you know that Jason Round Chief Editor of PI Mag gave your Stageas preference for an article over the R35 5th Anniversary next year? Well-well-well!!!
  12. Thanks for your appreciation popinr33. "B" and "P", thanks for your feedback on the Kakimoto. I guess my dilemma is this... Just a straight swap from the Nismo 3" to the Kakimoto 3.5" gives me this... If the improvement, was just 3-4Kw, I'd just switch back to the Nismo exhaust which I'm quite happy with - even power-wise. However, 13.4Kw is an appreciable and noticeable gain; so... should one consider a Varex rear muffler, or perhaps wait for a 90mm HKS or equivalent. Pls don't laugh, but I actually bought some ear plugs at the local chemist to-day (for temporary relief of course hehe) > proves I'm not going deaf just yet.
  13. Now with 3.5" Kakimoto exhaust
  14. I take a one a day type with 300mg EPA/200mg DHA. Its a personal preference through research that I go for that ratio rather than higher DHA. I do stick to certain brands for an omega-3 devoid of toxicity elements. No indigestion or aftertaste. Do I notice a difference? I only use it to maintain short term memory by oxygenating myelin sheaths of nerve cells, so I guess I'll never know unless it fails. I'm just trusting.research I know.
  15. Kakimoto 90mm or 3.5" with Blitz Y-pipe Damn loud!
  16. bodyformaero.com.au New addy: 7/170 Woodpark Rd Smithfield Peter is very helpful ph: 0416.243.098
  17. I was going to suggest that you take the 1 pt option for a year for the same reason above (ie insurance premiums go sky high if you've lost your licence), until you posted up that you've lost it before! Your past is following you I'm afraid.
  18. Hi Gus, For general liver health > eating globe artichoke, drinking dandelion tea, taking milk thistle or St Marys thistle is wise + abstain from alcohol and animal fats as best you can For liver cancer prevention > getting some 5mg Melatonin sublingual tablets (suck 2-3 under tongue at bedtime for a couple of minutes before swallowing) That's all I know ATM > need to research some more for you.
  19. Wollongong! Isn't that an Aboriginal name for "Centre of the Universe"?
  20. Well if you forget to bring your lunch money again, we'll do the right thing and let you smell sammich !!!
  21. ^ ^ ^ Oxycodone and Codeine can cause constipation too. Intercostal muscle pain can be intense as well as breakdown of cartilage. Used Rx "Lyrica" as mentioned above recommended by a pharmacist more learned than I? Chondroitin & Glucosamine supplements help to rebuild cartilage tissue. Cartilage structure is made up of Chondroitin, Glucosamine and Glycan. To accelerate healing, have you tried Chinese Acupuncture (- not from a Dr, but someone 3yr trained and belongs to the A.A.A.)? Footballers use them often.
  22. We now have TWO WINS!!!! 1) Top Secret Imports is sponsoring this event!!! 2) Performance Imports Magazine will be covering this event!!! ...as confirmed by Chief Editor, Jason Round to-day.
  23. Danielle has agreed to make a Stagea cake for the Stagea 15th Anniversary Celebration 2/10/11. She's quite thrilled too that it'll be in a Performance Imports Magazine
  24. At home to keep up interest, try to always run two things simultaneously. 1) Physical routine & 2) Mental stimulus, fun & preoccupation Without the latter, it's hard slog.
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