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Everything posted by GTR-N1

  1. What Carlos Ghosn insisted on during the design development of the R35 GT-R, were the round rear lights. I mean, who would argue (regardless of stock or leds)? Ever seen them in the distance and tried to catch up & check it out?
  2. Might be around Alfred Town, Charles
  3. Jack Handle and Toolkit might be sought out through Nissan Wrecker websites. eg Nisswreck S.A.
  4. Better than an amateur photographer... I didn't know that Stefan Trajkovski was lurking. That's better!
  5. At SMSP to-day It's all in the number.
  6. Any quality alternatives out there? One where trust and duty of care are paramount?
  7. That depends on the model. It depends on the selling price. It depends on what it has been reduced from. It depends on what it has in it and on it. It depends on the trend line of upward market pressure or downward market pressure which is exerted abroad as well as here in Oz.
  8. Your breakdown is absolutely correct! PS The R33 GT-R N1 Register, R34 GT-R N1 Register and once again, the R32 GT-R N1 Register are up in the "Rare Skyline Register" Thread, (stickied)
  9. Some lucky fellah has just scored a R34 GT-R V-Spec from Top Secret Imports for 45K less than its original asking price + major service + warranty. It has forged internals and only requires an engine detail, different wheels for legality and if preferred, a repaint back to KR4. So you can gettem!
  10. R32 GT-R N1 Register (continued) Page 2 of 2 Wow! Thanks to Mark Dodd - SAU User Name sin~
  11. R32 GT-R N1 Register Accolades to Mark Dodd for a fantastic job of sleuthing, collating and sorting. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 next...
  12. R33 GT-R N1 Register This massive work has been done by Mark Dodd - SAU User Name sin~ Many thanks to Mark - not leaving out Brad McKernan either who has done equivalent work on BCNR33s whilst in Canada Great stuff!
  13. R34 GT-R N1 Register A huge thanks to Mark Dodd - SAU User Name sin~ Mark's sleuthing, collating and sorting work is done!
  14. R32 GT-R N1 Register (continued) Page 2 of 2 Thanks again, Mark Dodd, for your magnificent work.
  15. R32 GT-R N1 Register. Enough thanks cannot be conveyed to Mark Dodd for all his sleuthing and hard work! (Standard, V-Spec, V-Spec II) Page 1 of 2 Page 2 next...
  16. I'd like to know Elv if any carbon door sill entry panels exist for the 33R as well pls?
  17. Here on SAU, sin~ (or on Fb, Mark Dodd and GTR Registry), is about to release intricate details of R34 GT-R N1s Many thanks go to Mark for his exhaustive work. He has laboured so long throughout 2016 to reveal those intricate details about other GT-Rs too. In 2017, Mark is still working. First up will be intricate details about R33 GT-R N1s and also R32 GT-R N1s
  18. We'll be able to access the proper figures soon. Mark Dodd has been hard at work on R34 GT-R N1 intricate details for the past couple of months and this data is coming to light now. R33 GT-R N1s and R32 GT-R N1s will follow suit. Many Thanks to Mark aka sin~ here on SAU
  19. Carsales has had a couple of R33 GTRs f/s at 55K and 59K. I actually hope they sell. It's a difficult time of year (Dec-Feb) to sell a car.
  20. Skyline Auto Works Skyline Spares Nisswreck roy8532 (here on SAU) deongster (may have a right one)
  21. I assist NRMA VVC (or in your case, RACV VVC) with their GT-R Sums Insured from 1989-2002 May I ask what your R33 GT-R LM is insured for please Steve85? PM me. Top Secret Imports reported this week that at least a couple of BCNR33s are in Carsales for $55K and $60K. I do hope they find buyers and that these values are reflected at auction.
  22. For 550 extra for refurbishment these will look like new! Factor that in and the cash you get as a present will turn this into a fine investment. Stickers from ebay.
  23. Thanks so far Richard.
  24. Anyone know the Part# on these?
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