about putting a bad spin on a what i thought to be a good meeting...
GTR, brand!
Billabong, brand!
Oneil, brand!
Nismo, brand!
i dont surf, im an indoorsy person...
i dont have a spare $20k to pick myself up a R32 GTR
i dont even have any nismo parts on my car (yet)
but i still own billabong shirts/jeans,
i still have a nismo sticker on my car (somewhere) and my computer
and i still own my SAUvic GTR hoodie, which im proud to display
i think the thing is, with all the media attention the GTR is getting at the moment, a GTR hoodie will get noticed, moreso than say a GTST one, or even an SAU one, so obviosuly that decision was made. the SAU logo is on the hoodie aswell incase you didnt notice, and the URL...hell i only drive a GTS25, the babiest of baby skylines.
maybe a bit more member input in the "Members Only" section of the forums would have helped a few more people be more accepting of the hoodie, but whats done is the end of the day this hoodie saved me from freezing to death in the city this morning while i had breakfast!