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Everything posted by G0DZLR

  1. how adversly do resonators affect noise? i may be in need of one if my EPA test fails...either way i wanna kill my drone aswell
  2. is it always or when its cold? please dont say just when its cold....
  3. just like a mate of mine, used to own an EA falcon. AU 4.0 motor, ran a highmount GT3540, black upsidedown FMIC, wolf ECU etc. you wouldnt know it was turbo till he put the foot down and kicked it sideways and let off for the massive dose .
  4. just a general privacy thing i guess. i do it automatically now without thinking bout it
  5. thered be a bit of work involved, and you wouldnt be able to run high amounts of boost to keep it stealthed or through a sidemount...imo there wouldnt be much point until you can really go all out and get a proper setup. but hey if you wanna run the risk then by all means ED: if you havnt already done so MRXTCz, i suggest you blank out all numberplates from photos you have hear...just incase they go snooping
  6. +1 as above but you couldalways clear coat it in something i spose. youd wanna have it fastened/locked on there somehow sturdy tho...gold is shiny....catches attention...not always from the right crowd
  7. get a not-so-blurry photo so we can make out the icon, unless you can describe to us what it looks like otherwise
  8. wait till you get your tax return and have even MOAR lazy cash lying around unless that 1200 is your tax already haha. +1 for shift kit, then sway bars later. youl have a bit more fun with the shift kit imo
  9. well how much power are you pulling atm and how much do you plan to be pulling?
  10. what car are you working off as the base?
  11. make L-brackets. cheap nuff
  12. the rims on the rear, are the ones that i would be re-painting, that pics on a mates car. do you think it would be possible to do the spokes like a metallic grey or black and then have a chrome rim/dish aswell? or if it would look decent even
  13. did you have tires on the rims when you got that done?
  14. yeah, powder coating and 2pac are my 2 top preferences atm. have a bit of exp with getting custom 2pac jobs done, tho its quite expensive still. dont know how 2pac would go with brake heat tho? it has a hard time coping with my cup of coffee sometimes
  15. its like a visual illusion. i first looked at it and thought it was a full size building. then i realised it was on stilts and the guys under it were like....not much smaller than it. vewy confused :S.
  16. willing to sells the wheels seperate?
  17. as the title says, im interested in getting rims painted. i may be buying a mates wheels off him, but they're white, and i don't really think i want white rims on my car, would wreck to look. so im thinking that id paint them to suit my taste. iv read up on various DIY tutorials around the forums, seems easy enough, but just a matter of getting the time to do it really, whihc is something i dont have, also the fact i dont plan this to be a temp job, i want it to last. would it be easier and more effective to take it to a professional spray painter and get them to do it instead? i should have a bit of money to spend since its that time of the year (tax returns yo) but i dont want the job to cost more than the wheels did! what are your opinions?
  18. photoshop ftw! if your not that way inclined PM me some pics and i can mock one up for you.
  19. try this: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Di...mp;hl=aac+valve may not fix it but its good to do it anyway. il get round to doing mine when i have the time to pull it al aprt etc i have the same problem too..especially if i reverse out of my driveway (moderate load, as its on an incline) and then let it sit.
  20. how much for the power window switch + garnish? cheers
  21. how much for the drivers side door trim? im chasing the power window switches really, thats it. il take that whole panel tho. cheers
  22. get a type-M bar. i rekn they look pretty nice, depends how much you wanna stand out really. otherwise my second pick would be a GTR bar.
  23. i have a mate looking to build up a RB30DET setup. hes in need of a non-VCT RB25 head. any takers? cheers
  24. and whatever you do get it done by a certified place. so you can get a sound test at the same time and then they can do the neccesary modifications if its too loud. i just got done today for mine...not sure if itl pass as legal (heres hoping)
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